Friday, October 2, 2009

The Term, It Is A-Endin’

Yes, the term has ended, it is finished! Bring on the two weeks of freedom, or, as free as I can be when I've got to studies for the Yearlies and the Trial School Certificate that start on the second day back, as well as a bloody Science assignment. Anyway. I'm not supposed to be thinking about that now, because it's the end of term! Also, yes, it's an incredibly late post. But that's because I went to Canberra; more information to follow.

Before school, I handed in my PE assignment, and went to borrow books from the library, for the holidays. I got Harry Potter 6, amongst other things, as our copy had been broken (EJ threw against a wall for some reason). Period 1 was Agriculture, and the whole class went down to the farm to check out our potato crops. Ours hasn’t sprouted yet, but some have. As usual, I put on my iPod. I also talked to the girls about the formal and jokes. Not telling jokes, talking about jokes. Period 2 was History, and Johnson was away. Instead, we had Crancher, and I celebrated the end of the term by reading. A lot of other people were doing their PE assignment, and I’m glad I wasn’t under so much stress by finishing the assignment the day it was meant to be handed it, I can tell you that. Recess was mostly 31, as there were many people who usually play cards not here.

Period 3 was Maths, and we learnt about abundant, deficient, perfect and weird numbers. (I was going to explain what all of those numbers actually are, but I realised I would be going on for quote a while, and it wouldn’t make for good reading. So here are the articles for abundant, deficient, perfect and weird numbers from Wikipedia. Anyway.) Much innuendo was made about being ‘deficient’ and other such puns, which you wouldn’t think was possible until you realise this is A1 we’re talking about and it all makes sense. Period 4 was Science, and we watched a video on the Challenger and Columbia disasters, which, if you don’t know what they are (and if you don’t, you really need to look them up. Of course, it could just be my nerdiness. Here are the Wikipedia articles for Challenger and Columbia if you don’t. Also, sorry for the link explosion, but let it never be said that my blog isn't informative.), were two incidents where space shuttles were destroyed, killing seven. It was pretty interesting, although in a freaky sort of way. I do like astronomy (if I haven’t mentioned this yet, it is a big oversight. It’s one of my favourite subjects, if not the favourite.). Lunch was discussing superstring theory and the possible existence of extra dimensions for the first half (only in Hurlstone), and cards for the second half.

Period 5 was Commerce, in which I read for pretty much the entire class. We weren’t actually doing anything; just talking about our assignments and what we need to study for the yearlies. Well, sorta; Kearney told us what topic was going to be covered. Not that much, really. Period 6 was English, and the whole class talked about a whole manner of things. Memorably, Courtney asked if Hancock was married, and he retorted ‘Why, are you proposing?’ This, of course, prompted the whole class to fall about in laughter, and Courtney didn’t help her case by saying that she was asking for Lana. We also discussed Kolodziej’s short temper (which Hancock, as him and Kolodziej are both English staff, disapproved off, but who couldn’t think of any comebacks to our telling him some examples of his temper, such as the ‘spatial awareness’ incident, and the time he broke his watch while telling off his class.), and other such random topics.

When the bell went at around 2, as it does for end of term, I walked up to the Glenfield corner shops, as I was in little rush to get home (I wasn’t avoiding it or anything, but the bus wasn’t coming for a while). I bought hot chips and a can of Solo, and wandered to the train. I got home at about 3, and got EJ from the bus stop at around 3:30. And so for most of the rest of the night, I blogged, and then played Battlefield Heroes for a while. I really enjoy this new map (Riverside Rush, for all you non-BFHers), and I participated in a strange game: one ending in 0-0. I didn't even know that was possible. The day ended soon after, and the holidays began.

And that was the last day of term. Sorry about the very late post; that will soon be explained. Although, if you want to blame my procrastination, that would work, I suppose; it is partially responsible. A third option would be to blame society. That's a great option, in my opinion. Anyway. Expect the posts for the next few days to come in soon.

Bring the holidays in,

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