Monday, October 5, 2009

On The Road Again

That's a song by Willie Nelson, which I'm sure most of you have heard of, but if you haven't, then here is the Wikipedia article. Anyway. I am actually quite happy with this title, although this makes it three of the past four post titles being references to songs. Ah well. I still like it. Well, yes, we drove back to Sydney today, and you can find out all about how it happened in this edition of AB: A Blog.

I got up at around 8:30 (why rush?), and we began to pack up. Once we were sure that everything was gotten (and we were definitely sure), we headed off for Sydney at about 9, maybe 9:30. At first, I read, and that continued for about 45 minutes (I'm just having a wild stab in the dark here. I could be way off. After that, though, EJ and I decided to play our DSs (that's the plural of DS, as in Nintendo DS. Seriously, how do you pluralise something like that?). We went underground (oh, we're playing Pokemon. Might as well mention that.), and we battled. The first battle ended in a narrow loss by me (only because I used the wrong things), and the second ended in a win by me, because I strategised (hooray for strategy!). After that, though, my brother's DS died (what a coincidence; that's what happened to mine), so I played a single-player game for most of the rest of the trip.

When I got home, I had to unpack, and then clean my room. And by clean, I mean a big overhaul: move stuff, throw stuff away, dismantle the stuff in various drawers, and essentially, rearrange most of the contents of my room. That took quite a while, and after it was done, I was happy just to kick back for most of the rest of the day. I didn't go to hapkido, mainly because I just wanted a break. Instead, I did some blogging (as I did barely anything and am now paying for it with a lot of time), and watched TV, such as Rove. As days go, it was a fairly relaxing one.

And that was my day. Sorry for the fairly short post, everyone, but in all fairness, nothing much happened, and I have been trying to get back on track. Ah well. Once in a while, I suppose, a short post is inevitable. I might prefer long posts, but sometimes they are really hard to write.

Such ends the Canberra saga,

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