Saturday, October 17, 2009

We Will All Mow Together When We Mow

What a comforting fact that is to know... If you're wondering where that title came from (and I do admit, it does seem a little strange at face value), it's a take-off of a Tom Lehrer song called 'We Will All Go Together When We Go,' which you really should listen to: it's a very good song (some people don't really get Lehrer. Here's the song, at any rate.). Anyway, let's have a look at my day, as I want to try to get back to my schedule.

I was woken up at about 8:30, but for a good reason: we were having pancakes. We had maple syrup on them, but, and call me crazy here, I much prefer honey on them. And the problem with that is we only have a jar of Hurlstone honey (gotten from the country fair; it wasn't in a squeeze bottle, though. Hard to spread across pancakes, is what I'm saying here.) and a jar of creamed honey, which has the same colour and texture of, say, wood putty but according to my brother is actually quite nice (don't microwave it though. Dad tried that, and it became slop, which has same colour and smell of vomit. And taste, according to EJ.). When that was done, we went to go and mow the lawn. The whipper-snippering was done, of course, so we just went to mow it (Dad had already left for cricket by this time). The grass was short, so it didn't involve that much work, and for the most part I just listened to my iPod (do I have to tell you that it was Tom Lehrer? Really?). We finished at about 11.

When that was done, I decided to blog a bit, as Thursday's wasn't even done, on account of being at Shay's for the afternoon, which came as a surprise. So I did that, and once it was done, I decided to play some Battlefield Heroes. Well, by play, it was mostly getting a heap of screenshots, such as saluting the flag (that took a while to get right), and, in the tutorial, I finally got one of me facing a rocket at the camera while on the wing of a plane (that involved having to get in the pilot's seat, then manoeuvring the plane so that I could get on the wing, and take a screenshot as the plane is falling. I've been trying to get a screenshot like that for months now.). And when I was done, with that, I pretty much just blogged for the rest of the night, though I did get to watch an episode of 'Invader Zim' on Foxtel. Damn, I love that show.

And that was my day. At this point, I might apologise about late posts, but it might seem a bit hollow. So I'll just say that I will hopefully get back very soon. Also, I really like this title. Don't ask me why, I just do.

There is only one day left until the fourth term of school begins,

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