Friday, October 9, 2009

Airports and Assignments

Yes, it's another title (with alliteration, mind you) that has "Assignments" in it; the second in not even one and a half weeks. Ah well. These things are inevitable sometimes. Hopefully soon, better titles may arise, though it depends on what happens in the day. Also, earlier posts, although let's not go nuts here.

I was woken up at around 8:30, yet again. I hope one day to just sleep. Ah well. These things happen. After getting ready for the day, I figured that I had to get the experimental part of my Science assignment some time, and today was as good as any. So I started off by trying to figure out an experiment in which I would be able to measure my face relative to a mirror, while being at least 50 cm away from the mirror at all times. I ended up sticking bits of tape to the mirror 5 cm apart, then checking how high my face was relative to the bits of tape. Then the hard part came in, and I had to convince EJ to be at least slightly cooperative, so I could measure the reflection of his face. I did make it work, thankfully, and I thus completed Parts A and B of my assignment.

When I'd finished that, I decided to reinstall Battlefield Heroes, just in case it actually did have a virus. However, Trend Micro said that the new one also had a virus (and of course it didn't; think what that would imply. EA Games is a worldwide company.). So I had to spend over 20 minutes attempting to get it to shut up, which it eventually did. When that was all sorted out, I played BFH for a while, as I was able to without it messing up on me. That did get boring eventually, however, so I went on Scratch, and continued with the Monopoly game I was attempting to make. Then, later, after doing some more gaming and TV and what-not, Mum, EJ and I went to the airport to pick up Dad.

I brought my DS, and EJ and I played some games on it in the car waiting to pick Dad up, as he was flying to Sydney. We drove around for a while, and we eventually found Dad in a carpark. On the ride back to home, I read some, using my iPod as a torch. Call me many things, but unresourceful I am not. And when I got home, we talked to Dad, and I blogged about Thursday.

And that was my day. Yeah, it's a late post, but you've gotta be used to this. That, or you're new to my blog, in which case, welcome to AB: A Blog! Anyway. Soon I'll get back up to schedule; that is, if I can avoid procrastination.

This makes it 7 days of holidays,

1 comment:

  1. oh crap, i commented twice on yesterday's post.
