Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lounging Around

How can you title posts when you barely do anything at all in the day? Answer: not well. So I wrote something that expresses the "barely-anything-ness" that I did throughout the day, as well as signifying the fact that I stayed in the lounge room for the majority of the day. Probably the best I could do under the circumstances. Anyway. To my Thursday.

I was woken up at 7:30, though I think mainly because everyone else was already up (that can be very annoying sometimes). EJ had already gotten breakfast, so he went into the lounge room. By a happy coincidence, 'Family Guy' was on at the time. EJ can't watch it, but as he was in another room, I was able to watch the whole episode. I do love to do that. However, when I was done, I did go into the lounge room, where I was able to put on 'Seinfeld.' We're on the last season, and as far as I can see, it's still going as strong as ever. Not like some shows where you can really see the quality begin to slip ('3rd Rock from the Sun' sadly comes to mind; I never watch the last season. It's just not that good. Seasons 1 to 5 are still pretty good though.). While in the lounge room, EJ got me to play Monopoly. That went for about an hour, after which there was a mutual agreement of boredom. The game just starts to get dull after a while, and slightly repetitive. I reckon it's better with more than two people, although I haven't done that in ages.

After the game, I went on some Scratch. I am going to try to make a game of Monopoly on Scratch from scratch (no pun intended). It's hard, but I reckon it's possible without being almost incurably difficult, unlike chess. I took a break from that, however, once it got a bit boring. So I went to play some Battlefield Heroes. I ran into some problems though: Trend Micro (our antivirus software) got a bit temperamental, and started to stop me playing BFH for more than one round at a time. Oy vey. I don't think it has a virus, but I'll have to make sure. At about 2, after some lazing around, Mum burst in the door from work. What had evidently happened (and with the benefit of hindsight, I can tell you) was this: EJ had the phone in his jacket pocket, and he got hot, and he threw it onto the jacket. The phone landed on the 'ring' button, making the line busy and thus making it impossible for anyone to call. Mum then called up, and started freaking out because she couldn't get on. Ah well. I don't think it was anyone's fault, but just one of those things that happens. Later, I blogged, and attempted to play some more BFH, though it was still messing up. I also did not get to post about today, so here I am.

Comments now, 1 from the Anonymous Aeroplane.
*Anon: Thanks, and Riverside Rush is a very different map. You really need to get used to it. Thanks also for the orange belt thing, and to top it all off: mmm, oranges...

And that was my day. Sorry for the very late post, that will be explained yesterday if I can remember it, and I damn well better. Also, I will attempt to improve on schedules and so forth; you've heard this all already. You know what I'm gonna say.

A return of comments, perhaps,


  1. could you perhaps elaborate on how different riverside rush is?

  2. and why the hell does it take 2 trys to process my request?
    btw, what kind of laptop do you have? assus? mac?

  3. I think you should have titled it "barely anythingness"
