Saturday, October 31, 2009

Films and Firing

'Films' should be pretty straight-forward, but what I mean by 'firing' is that I played Battlefield Heroes. As in, firing bullets? Eh, nobody said titling was easy. Occasionally it is, but not often. I was considering titling the post like 'All Hallows'Eve '09,' just to be different (if you don't know what that is, then you do now.). But no, I won't. It doesn't really matter. Anyway. Let's have a look at my day.

I woke up at about 8, and I went out to watch TV. I also had to clean my room, but as that was quick (I keep telling people that it only looks messy. It's organised, it just doesn't look organised. Sort of like strange attractors. ...that could quite possibly be the nerdiest analogy I've ever made and I'm quite proud of it.), I watched TV and went on my computer for a while. And by a while, I mean, well, over 2 hours. I mean continuously, not just for the whole day. It was fun. I did a bit of blogging. Actually, it was mostly blogging, as I'm trying to get back on schedule. Doesn't look like the weekend will be able to do it for me, as I input a redeem code for Battlefield Heroes which increases my XP earned, and it only lasts a few days. So if I don't use it this weekend, that's it. Wasted. Anyway. Eventually, I got lunch, and then continued on my laptop, attempting to blog as much as I could. Of course, there was a lot of procrastination. Well, what do you expect on a weekend?

Soon, at around 1, EJ, Mum and I watched a movie that Dad had seen before, called 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas,' which is about a German boy in World War II who befriends this other boy, who is in a concentration camp. You really have to see it; it's a very confronting film, in Dad's words, who I think has got it spot on. See it. After it, I ended up getting into a political conversation with my Mum, as we have quite different viewpoints. I mean, we're basically on the same side as each other, but it's just some things that we really disagree on. We also spent the day hiding from trick-or-treaters. Halloween really isn't our thing, and according to a poll I saw, 84% of Australians agree with us (Wikipedia seems to feel the same. See?). Anyway. I then went to play some Battlefield Heroes, until Dad and Mum got us to watch another movie. This one was called 'I Hate Valentine's Day.' I watched the first half, but I never really got around to liking it. It was... unimpressive. About halfway through, I really just gave up, and started to play some more Battlefield Heroes. I've finally used the short range MG after the buff, and it is very good. So now I use the short and long range MG. Anyway. When the movie ended, I went into my room, to blog.

And that was my day. It's a short post (well, short-ish), I know, but sometimes you just can't help that. Also it's a late post, but then that's normal. Even though it really shouldn't be. I'm trying to catch up, believe me. It's a bir difficult, though, trying to catch up while not spending your whole day on it.

I'm slowly catching up (very slowly),

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