Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trial School Certificate: English and Science

Now, what you may notice is that I did not put an '09' in that title. Well, that's because I'm not going to be doing another Trial School Certificate. So '09' seems a little redundant. The same will go for the School Certificate, in a few weeks' time. Anyway. Let's have a look at my day, shall we?

I got to school, and we talked about stuff before the bell went, and when Shafi got here, he was transfixed at the sight of 'Five Greatest Warriors,' which I had brought to school as I had started it. Of course, you'd probably expect that, considering who he is (Shafi reads like I do) and what book it was (I mean, it is a bloody good book). When the bell went, we all went to our separate rooms, to do the English Trial School Certificate. We were given, to start off with, 4 booklets and an A3 sheet of paper, which is pretty big as you can guess. So I did one, the multiple choice, and that didn't take too long. We then had to write both a speech about one of the texts they gave us and a short story using one of those prompting phrases that you have to start off your story with. I think I did well in the short story part, however I finished it sorta quickly (I can't write short stories in two pages. Not in an exam, anyway. In the half-yearly, I got four in. It was well-written, but... anyway. You know what happened.). I finished with some time to go, and when the bell went, we all went outside.

There, we talked about the exam, and it seemed we all had different stories. Way different stories. I did sort of a science fiction story that probably would have crossed into a disaster movie territory (I didn't get that much time to develop my story), and a lot of other people did a lot of other different things. Soon, the conversation crossed into Matthew Reilly territory, and what he did in his books (it's been said before, but I'll say it again: it reads like an action film. That's because Reilly cuts out a lot of the unnecessary stuff, and the end result is nothing short of awesome.). We also talked about Battlefield Heroes, and what potential videos we could make, as Eric, John and I are considering making a video on Battlefield Heroes. I hope we do, but we'll see. We also studied for Science. More as an afterthought than anything. Then, at around 12:45, we went back to the room to do our next Trial School Certificate: Science.

We got the room, but after the teachers got to the class late, and then couldn't open the door, we got in really late. So late, in fact, that we had to skip reading time, which was a major inconvenience to say the least. I wouldn't say that the exam was difficult, because it wasn't. However, the problem was that every so often a question pertaining to Year 9 stuff popped up, which was very annoying considering we weren't even given the chance to study it in class, because Robson has been away. I don't think this is fair. I finished with a few minutes to go, and when the bell did go, we all went down to the station, where, thanks to the new train times, I was able to talk to Eric, Ian and Kevin about the exam. The jury's still out on one of the questions, which was a pretty bizarre one if you ask me. I don't know what the answer'll be. And when I got home, I blogged, but not enough, of course. So here I am.

And that was my day. There aren't any comments, but hey, that's life (the universe, and everything. Dammit, read Douglas Adams, people!). Or at least exams, getting in the way as usual. I mean, I haven't even gotten back to schedule yet! Soon though, soon. Keep an eye out.

2 for the Trial School Certificate down, 2 to go,


  1. I wrote my story about knomes and fairies.
    If you care.
    You probably don't.

  2. Knomes = Gnomes...
