Monday, October 26, 2009

Yearlies '09: Agriculture

The second of the most worried about exams has arrived, my perpetual concern for these last few years, Agriculture. But, after today, it was done, it was finished, and Ag had essentially finished for the year. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. So, let's get to my Monday, and see if I can try to beat this late post streak. Probably not, but we'll see.

I was driven to school today, as I was for Friday, just in case the train was late and I miss part of the exam because of it (Mum insists, but not unreasonably.). I went straight up to the library, where I saw Eric, John and Shafi sitting around a table, where they were studying for Ag. I joined them, of course, and we discussed many things and anything from our Ag books, in an attempt to get ready for the exam. I also told Shafi that I had 'The Five Greatest Warriors,' at which point he sat bolt upright, checked his watch, exclaimed that the book was already out, and begged for the book. It was quite funny to see, but also predictable in a sense (Shafi is like that with books.). When the bell went, we all went down to our rooms, to start the Ag exam.

It went for 80 minutes, as it usually does. I wouldn't say that it was easy (they never are; you have to memorise a lot of facts for Ag), but it was easier than I expected. Probably because of my study, though: it did help quite a bit. Without that, I would have been in severe trouble in some parts. I think I did well, but we'll have to see. I finished with a few minutes to go. Here's hoping the Ag exam comes up good. Recess was talking about the exam.

Period 3 was Maths, in which we did a non-calculator exam. So we did that for 30 minutes, and then we marked it, because that's just the sort of thing we do in A1. I got 22/25, which is pretty good (only one person got 25, and Mango got 21.). It was stupid mistakes that tripped me up, as they so often do. They get very annoying sometimes, as I can, say, miss one word in the question, which is so often one of the most important ones, giving me the wrong answer. Damn. Period 4 was Science, which was doing study for the exam tomorrow. Do these exams ever end? (Yes, on Thursday. That's not soon enough.) I also finished 'And Another Thing...' It's good, to say the very least. Lunch was more talking.

Period 5 was Commerce, where we too had a study session. Apparently, we aren't going to start any new work until the exams are over, which seems fair to me. Now, if some of the other classes were like that, we'd hopefully be going better. Ah well. Period 6 was English, where we got a copy of the Year 11 exam for Advanced English, and we went through one of the sections together as a class, just to have a look at it and maybe prepare for next year. I think. It wasn't really too clear (you'd reckon with an English exam tomorrow... anyway.). And when I got home, I did some study, blogging, and then it was time for hapkido.

Shirisha wasn't there today, and neither was Grandmaster Geoff. Not entirely sure why for the latter, but he doesn't have to come. So we had Manuel (I think that's his name) for the first half of the lesson, who works us a lot, and Tina for the second half, who is equally as tiring for us, maybe more so. One thing's for sure: you get a good exercise in hapkido. I learnt how to get out of a bear hug, for one. And when I got home after a time, I blogged, but not enough. So here I am.

That was my Monday. I am really sorry about the late post, believe me, I don't like it. It's not fun trying to remember two days back, and doing a decent sized post about it. But I'm trying, and soon I'll get back up to schedule. Soon.

Yearlies down, Trial School Certificate to go,

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