Sunday, October 11, 2009

Seinfeld and Snipping

OK, not the greatest title. But today wasn't very friendly (I was going to write conducive, but I don't like to put words like that on my post. Don't ask me why.) towards titling. Ah well. By snipping, I mean whipper-snippering (it's a funny word.). Anyway. To my day.

I was gotten up at around 8:45, which is probably the latest I've gotten up for a while (I'm not sure if that's early or normal. I do know that some of my friends have gotten up at 2 in the afternoon. Now that's weird. Anyway). So I had breakfast, and eventually, while doing chores, I was called out with everybody to come help move stuff. In essentials, we've got a heap of junk at the back of our house, and Tuesday is when the council comes to pick it up. But, to save time, we were all going to move it into the garage, so we don't have to haul a gigantic amount of garbage on the one day. Well, if you can get it out of the way... At any rate, about 20 minutes in, Dad asked if I wanted to do the whipper-snippering done now and get it out of the way for later. I figured I could grab my iPod and listen while doing that (Dad, knowing me, actually suggested this. Guess he knows I love music.), so I agreed.

We then, naturally, spent 10 minutes attempting to get the actual thing working. You would think that there would just be a button on it saying 'Start.' Well, (get this), there is, but it doesn't actually start it. After some experimentation, some heavy profanity on my Dad's part, and a feared repeat of the smashed snipper (I have linked to this already, in another post, but here it is again.), we finally figured out how to do it: you hold two switches on "on" for about ten seconds, flick down a lever, then pull another lever which you have to hold down to make the actual thing go. Then, if you take your hand off the second lever for more than an instant, then you have to flick the first lever again. Is this mentioned on the whipper-snipper? No. Is it obvious? No. Anyway. We did end up getting it to work, and I thus put on Tom Lehrer. I had to replace the little clippy strings (you know, the strings you put through the whipper-snipper that are the ones that actually cut? I don't actually know what they're called.) twice. The second time, I considered calling it a day, but I figured no, considering I could do the front later, but I decided to do it. So of course halfway through whipper-snippering the front, it ran out of petrol. That's when I gave up.

By this time, it was about lunch time. And so after lunch, EJ and I watched the final episodes of 'Seinfeld.' I'm not entirely sure why they ended the show, but I do say it continued strong until the end. I also played some Battlefield Heroes, and I had fun rocketing people from up on the cliffs in Buccaneer Bay. Then, later on in the night, after EJ had gone off to bed, Mum, Dad and I watched 'Rove.' It is a very good show, I must say.

That was my Sunday. Can you believe that now we're heading into the last week of holidays? Damn, it goes quickly. Anyway. I am partially making up for the very late post of yesterday's. I mean, this is still late, but it's less late. Comparatively. Well, I'd better just end the post; I'm beginning to rant.

Halfway through the holidays,

1 comment:

  1. 2 in the afternoon isn't all that bad to wake up. i mean, please, we could be as pathetic as you, and wake up and move garbage and whippersnipp. Exactly.
