Saturday, September 12, 2009

Working Like Crazy

Let me explain here: I've got an English assignment due on Friday that is a goddamn lot of work, and we had to do the lawns. So you can excuse me if my title isn't very good, my post is late, and/or my post is very short. Because that's why. So, without further ado, to my day.

I got up at about 8:00, and by around 10 I had finished the majority of my chores (up until then, it had been a pretty slow day). So then I ended up getting to my English assignment. After drawing up the table for the second question on Excel, I realised that, 'Holy crap, this could be a really long assignment.' Example: Literary techniques from the first Harry Potter movie that represent the odd one out. How do you do that well? I was a fair bit into the question (although not nearly enough), when it was time for the family to do the lawns, which, as you can imagine, was somewhat annoying, but it had to be done.

Mum and EJ were at cricket, so Dad did the lawnmower and I used the whipper-snipper (I almost wrote whipper-sniper. Lol.). Dad got most of the way through and I got about halfway through when the whipper-snipper began to fail. We got it working a few times, but at one point, it just gave up and died. Nothing I could do could start it again. So I gave it to Dad, who also tried. But it was to no use. Dad, then, got very angry. He hurled the whipper-snipper at the back fence at full strength, which I took as my cue to start backing away, mainly because I was worried about the prospects of danger, to say the least (petrol in whipper-snipper. Petrol is not a very friendly substance. By which I mean of course, boom.). He then started smashing the whipper-snipper against the ground, as if he was trying to beat lumps out of the grass, or trying to chop some wood that was lying there (which seemed like he misunderstood the first rule of fixing things: Make sure it's broken.). I came back hesitantly, and it turns out he was only doing it (at least partially) because he wanted a new one, and he wanted to make sure it was definitely unable to fixed (which I can safely say he achieved). Although he didn't foresee the whole petrol problem. I did the rest of the lawns.

I got back inside at around 2 or 2:30, and I then kept at my assignment. I worked until about 7, when it was time for dinner. I then went to go watch the Crows-Magpies game. Which was a really good game, although it's a pity Collingwood won, by 5 points too. I also played Battlefield Heroes for about an hour, and as my long range machine-gun ran out, I tried the shotgun. Which actually worked pretty well; better than I expected. Though I won't be trading it in for the long range, if only for the fact that I need a long range gun. I went to bed around 11:30, after posting, of course.

And seeing that there are no comments (really not surprising), that was my day. I know it's a really late post; quite frankly, I'm surprised it's not any later. And that I managed to get over 600 words. I mean, my day could be summed up as assignments and doing the lawns, but... anyway. I'll try to get Sunday's post up earlier than this one (relative to when it should be up, I mean. No time travel.), but no promises.

Bloody assignments,

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