Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rough Wednesday Work

Try saying that 5 times fast! (Answer: I get to 'Rough Renswenswen...' at about the fourth try.) This title started off as something bad, but it got better when I realised it worked very well as a tongue twister. So I'll use this one. Anyway. Let's see my day, which, as you can guess, involved some rough work (...on a Wednesday).

Period 1 was more computer work on the Geography assignment, which is finally starting to take form. It's not finished; I'm gonna have to do some at home (it's only roughly a page, so it isn't that much). But for an assignment, I'd say that I'm doing this pretty well. I will hopefully not leave it to the last minute, although, you know, that just might end up happening. Ah well. That type of thing is to be expected, I suppose. Period 2 was Science, in which we analysed the result of the experiment yesterday with falling balls and acceleration and all that. And we came across an odd result: the acceleration due to gravity was about 15 m/s² (that little squared symbol there involved more work than it probably should have). Which, if you're a science nerd like I am, is odd, to say the least. It should be around 10 m/s² (well, 9.8. But you get what I mean.). So, either something somewhere has gone terribly wrong, or we have revolutionised the field of science with one experiment. Recess was the usual.

Period 3 was Ag, in which, like last period, we went out, got the hoes, and went to dig some more for our potato planting. And when we got there, well, let's say that we weren't too pleased. Sheep had been let out in that area, and they went all over our land, destroying our hills and giving us some smelly souvenirs in our trenches. So we had to fix our land up, while avoiding anything that came from the wrong end of a sheep. We did a fair bit of work, actually. Lunch was 13 and 31.

It was then Sport time, and unlike the last few times, we did rugby. Oh, joy. And I wasn't too good, to say the least. They got me to kick for some reason, and then they said I kicked too far. I didn't know there was a 'too far.' I was also doing really good, in my opinion: the ball was near the boundary line, so I ran towards the ball, going over the line while keeping the ball in (like in AFL), and I was dashing towards our forward
line (I insist on saying that instead of try line); when they said that that wasn't allowed. At that point, I just gave up, and Kevin and I became 'emergency defenses,' which sounds good but involves hanging around back waiting for people to come our way. Soon, we were substituted in, so we went to play cards for the rest of the day. Good times. After school, I talked to Ebony, and around 6:55, we left for hapkido.

Shay's diabetes was playing up on her, so I had to go alone. Class itself was pretty good, as one important thing happened: I could do my other back roll. Repeatedly. As in, I don't just do it, then fail the next few times. Every time, it works. It's not particularly glamorous, or refined, but it works. So I'll be going for my signature on either Monday or Wednesday (of next week). Something else also happened. I had a panic attack, for the first time since April (link to relevant post). Which may seem bad, but it had a silver lining. I had an onset of heart palpitations, and as soon as I sat down (as in, within a second), they stopped. That's a good sign for times to come. So when I got home, I blogged, although not enough, unfortunately.

This was my Wednesday. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! ...I felt like starting the last paragraph differently, and I like that quote (allow Wikipedia to fill you in). Anyway. Hopefully, tomorrow's post won't be late, but we'll have to see. Things may come up.

I actually like this title,

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