Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fully Sick, Bro

OK, now this is a title I like, and a lot (I mean, jees, that's a good title). What I don't like, however, is what it refers to. I am sick, I think. At least, if you consider vomiting a sign of sickness. That was what I was referring to yesterday with the cliffhanger at the end of yesterday's post. So, without futher ado, to my day.

I woke up at 1:30 (Yes, in the morning. There is a reason, as there really should be if you wake up at 1:30.) to the sight of my brother vomiting (what a great way to start a post). However, I was in that state of being half-asleep, so all I could really do was look. So after the necessary arrangements, I went to go sleep in another bed (as EJ is sleeping on a mattress in my room, because Oma is over); and I promptly vomited. Everywhere. I didn't even see it coming: one moment I was fine, the next I wasn't. So after that was all cleaned up (causing my mother no end of annoyance; understandably), it was about 2:30, and so it ended up with me crashing on a mattress in yet another room (yes, I just wrote a paragraph and it's not even 3 in the morning blog time. This could be a record.).

I woke up again at around 7:30, and I wasn't feeling the best as you could probably guess. I went in to read more of my book, 'The Lost Symbol.' (Will I ever get tired of flaunting this book? When the novelty wears off. When will it wear off? ...Eventually.) However, after I'd read the book a bit, I ended up just collapsing on the lounge. I was still awake, I mean, but I had very little energy, considering I had emptied my stomach, so to speak, a few hours earlier. However, I was able to get up and get breakfast, and the day continued in a very mild manner, with much reading and watching TV on the lounge (rest is good for sickness, and I don't sleep during the day. Not since I was a kid.). Towards the end of the day, though, I managed to get some dinner. And halfway through that, I vomited yet again, though I think it was because I ate it too fast. At the end of the night, I blogged, but not about Sunday, that much. So here I am.

To comments now, 1 from 1 person. Haven't got one in a while, you know (hint hint, reader!).
*Mango: Sounds boring; wasn't. I just couldn't express it as well. ...That's it? Seriously? Ah well. Comment's a comment.

And that was my day. Monday's post will hopefully not be as late as this one; we'll see. Assignments may or may not get in the way. But, if they do, then just blame society. I do. It's fun. Anyway. It was also a short post; that was mainly a weekend thing, as well as a 'I didn't do anything' thing.

Curse my illness!,

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