Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spring Is Here

Life is skittles and life is beer... I refer, of course, to two things: The fact that today was the first day of spring (well, going by the months rather than the equinoxes and such), and that great Tom Lehrer song, 'Poisoning Pigeons in the Park,' which starts off with the line: 'Spring is here.' Allow Youtube to sing it to you. Anyway. Let's have a look at my day, shall we?

Period 1 was Science, in which we did some work on (get this): acceleration graphs. So this one is like the distance and the velocity graph, but it measures acceleration. I think that these are just getting repetitive, and ultimately, annoying (and Robson agrees. See?). We also did an experiment in which we dropped tennis balls from a railing, and see how long it takes for them to drop (insert obvious pun about balls dropping here). Period 2 was Geography, which was again going on the computers to do some work on that assignment. It's coming along pretty well, in fact. Recess was 31.

Period 3 was English, in which we read from the creepiest poem ever: Porphyria's Lover (courtesies of Wikipedia for the full text. Oh, and speaking of Wikipedia, I might just say this now: as you might think, it is, in fact, my home page.). Seriously, just read it: it is creepy. Only word for it. We've read it before in Drama, and I can tell you: it never gets better. Still, it's worth reading, just to have a look at it. Period 4 was Maths, in which we followed from the sine rule and got something: the cosine rule. I've come across it before, and I couldn't understand a bit of it. But now, now it all makes perfect sense, and I can repeat what I said yesterday: maths is awesome. I mean, you would think that getting the result would be complicated, but the equation is (fairly) simple, and possibly the most amazing thing is that it works. Anyway. Lunch was cards.

Period 5 was Drama, in which we finished the play of King Oedipus. Also creepy, as Oedipus ends up killing his father and marrying his mother (to quote Homer, 'Who pays for that wedding?'). Oh, and it gets worse: he fathers kids. With his mother. Eurgh. And he just kept going on about it. Even with his kids around. It gets worse (if that were possible), with him gouging his eyes out. With his hands. OK, I'm changing topic, because this is just going on and on. Period 6 was Commerce, in which we just did work from sheets. However, about halfway through the lesson, Lucy came in from Food Tech, bringing along a strawberry soufflé. And that accordingly went around the class, with it getting to me, who, as nobody else wanted it, finished it.

When I got home, I talked on MSN, and blogged. I had just finished Monday's post when it was time to go to Lachlan's (Shay's brother) birthday party. He was 11, and both families (mine and his) all went out to Lone Star. While there, I talked to Shay, and to eat, I had these Amarillo chips, which are chips with cheese and bacon over them. Pardon me while I drool. They were delicious. For dinner, I had a burger with bacon and beef... Sorry. It was really good. Chips also came with it. After we had finished, we went to Shay's place, where we had conversation and white mud cake. I also went to blog, but not enough. So here I am.

And that was my day. Sorry for the late post. With hapkido and assignments and all that, a post that is actually on schedule may be coming later rather than sooner. Ah well. That happens, and there's not much we can do. Anyway.

I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring,

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