Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Neverending Workload

I refer to the book, 'The Neverending Story,' which I have never read (a book I've never read? Dun dun dah!). I wanted to reference that for yesterday's post, but I couldn't really think of anything. But I did think of something today, and this is why the title is what it is. Anyway. Today was much like yesterday, in that there were a lot of assignments and we had to do the lawns. So, let's see my day.

I got up at around 8, and I got into my assignment as quickly as I could. However, at around 11, maybe 11:30, Mum and Dad unveiled their newest additions to our lawn: a new umbrella/shade (I don't differentiate. That's why I always have my umbrella on me in summer; it gets hot), a new whipper-snipper (because the last one was incredibly damaged. If you missed the last post, I recommend reading it for an explanation and maybe some humour as well), and a new lawnmower, because I think the one that we usually use isn't actually ours. It's borrowed. So we can take it back and get rid of our one, which is also broken, and has been for a while. We were working for maybe 2 or 3 hours, fixing up what was left to be done on the lawns, and setting up for my grandmother's visit (and not Nanny. My Dad's mother, Oma, who is coming down from Toowoomba on Thursday.).

Once we'd finished the lawns, they looked pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Though I might be biased; I did want them over pretty quick. One memorable quote by my Dad about my assignment was uttered at one stage (I can't really put this in anywhere else): 'Stop playing Battleforce Wars!' He meant of course Battlefield Heroes, but he raised a fair point. Not that I'm playing it while I'm trying to get my assignment done; that would be crazy. Only late at night on the weekends when I can't be bothered thinking. Around 3:45, after some time off to do my assignment, Dad started to put some Weed & Feed (I think that's what it's called) on the lawns, and of course our dog, Mario, couldn't be there, as he will eat anything (he has eaten a rock before. He had to get surgery and everything. I might get around to telling that someday.). So EJ and I went to take him for a walk around the park. I got my iPod out, of course, and after EJ went to play on the equipment, I listened to my iPod and walked the dog. We got home at around 4:15. So for the rest of the day, I did more of my assignment (which is getting finished slowly, but surely), and towards the end of the day, I posted. But, due to all the things that have been going on, I did not get to do this post on Sunday. So here I am.

And that was my day. Sorry for the late post, and the short post, expect late posts for quite a while to come. I've got a lot of assignments and they're all calling me. Shorter posts may also become a common occurrence for a while. I'm sorry, I don't like it either, but if that's what has to happen, then that's what will happen, I'm afraid. Ah well.

I wish these assignments would get done quicker,

1 comment:

  1. Assignments are more inportant that Computer games, You still have to relax, but balance is needed. Otherwise you stress out and break things :-)
