Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quests and Comedy

By which I mean there was a Talent Quest, and a lot of funny things happened. Well, some funny things happened. OK, my title is slightly faulty. Anyway. Let's get to my day, although I do want to point out that I now have over 150,000 words. I mean, I got it a few days back, and I only just really noticed, and put it in my post. So, yeah. Hooray for 150,000 words!

Period 1 was Ag, in which we did some work on the potato moth. It wasn't too hard; I'd done most of the sheet in the last Ag lesson in which we had theory (which was quite a while ago), so all I really did was copy some stuff from the board and finished my book, 'The Three Musketeers.' I ordered it in March, bought it in April, then left it on my shelf for a few months (I love how I can just check my blog for that, which I obviously did). And I now regret it, for it is a good book. It's not as good as 'The Count of Monte Cristo,' but it is still very good. Period 2 was Geography, in which we went down to the computer rooms to do our assignment. It just never ends. Although something really funny did happen: Tan was being sent out of the room for something (it was never really made clear and Johnson didn't say why), and after he went out, Johnson just sighed and said 'Epic fail.' It was just funny because Johnson seems like the exact wrong person who would ever say 'Epic fail.' It was completely unexpected and out of place and therefore hilarious. She also quizzed Hewie about why his assignment wasn't handed in, and he replied, 'I'm with AB.' Johnson scratched her head and said, 'What's an AB?' (if you're confused, and you really, really shouldn't be, look at the top of this page.) Oy vey. Recess was 13, as usual.

Period 3, which was supposed to be Maths, was instead going down to the hall to see the Talent Quest for Year 10. I had been tossing up doing it, but under consideration I realised that my talents would not be suited to the Talent Quest. I can memorise songs, but I can't sing; and I can recite the Periodic Table, but whether it would be a good idea for the Quest would be another story. There were many performances, with the three that stand out in my mind being Pradeepti singing 'That's What You Do When You Love Someone' (I don't actually know the song, but that's how the chorus went), Cameron singing 'Mary Ellen Carter' (Pretty sure that's it), and Project Wonderful (I think; it was a dance group) dancing to something. I reckon first would be a toss-up between those guys. Period 4 was Science, in which we had Bruce instead of Robson. Yeah. We mainly did questions, but another funny thing happened. Somebody saw a spider on the roof (it wasn't small-fry either, maybe 3 or 4 cm in diameter) of the science block, and Andrew flinched about a metre back. Then Tan, being a smartass, flicked it off the roof in Andrew's general direction. He absolutely bolted, all the way from the science room to past the donut. The poor spider got trampled by somebody else in the process. Lunch was 13, of course, with a few games of 13, and Speed between me and John.

Period 5 was Commerce, in which we talked about trade unions, what professions are in which unions, and the history of trade unions. Which was actually more exciting than it sounds, which, I suppose, would be impossible otherwise. Kearney was also talking about Year Assembly, and how they needed somebody to do something for it. So I said, not really loudly, that I would recite the Periodic Table. However, he heard me, so I may end up doing that. So I'll have to keep an eye out for that. Period 6 was English, which was talking about how yet another character in the book is an Odd One Out. Oy vey, just let it rest already. Although, the character we were discussing was a gangster (and I'm talking about organised crime here), so it was fairly easy. Tan also said something epic (yet another comedy instance): We were talking about domestic violence for some reason (a case of going off on a tangent), and Hancock said something about fists being the main weapon used. Tan, who misheard, looked up and simply said 'Fish?!' After which the whole class cracked up, of course. I mean, it was just hilarious (although fish have appeared in other accidental humour as well. Proof.). When I got home, I blogged a fair bit, trying to catch up. And I did, finishing Monday's post and getting halfway through Tuesday's. But halfway isn't all the way, so this is why the post is late.

And that was my day. Sorry for the lateness and everything, but things just seemed to keep getting in the way. I will attempt to get back on schedule and... you know what, I'm getting tired of talking about my schedule. When I start posting right, then you'll know. Until then, just bear with me.

I have also attempted to stop talking about how good titles are,

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