Thursday, August 27, 2009

Post The Two Hundredth

It seems like only yesterday I was lighting myself on fire and thinking about blogging about it (no, really: that actually happened). That first post was only something like 300 words, and the average post has since ballooned into over 600 words. So, in accordance with this post's celebrations, I shall look back on the events that have happened since my blog began way, way back in early February. Ah, how times have changed.

Before school, I blogged, although not enough, quite evidently. Period 1 was Maths, in which we did some stuff on trigonometric ratios. It was just doing a bit of working out, and writing it down. Not too hard, but it was better than nothing, I suppose (well, nothing is boring!). Period 2 was Drama, in which we got a sheet on Greek Drama, which contained possibly the most pointless piece of work I have ever seen: It had a crossword on it, but (get this), the words had been given to you. It had the clue, and then the answer just sitting next to it. When I pointed this out (just to see what would happen), the class laughed, Kolodziej stuttered a bit, and then changed the subject. We also read from a book of plays from the time of the Ancient Greeks. I'm sure it's better in performance; just reading it was none too impressive. Recess was not actually 13, but rather handball, with John, Johnny (that's not a mistake), and someone else whose name I have forgotten.

Period 3 was Commerce, in which we studied for the Science skills comp, which was today (I forgot). So I went through the whole chapter of electricity and electromagnetic waves, then onto motion, then to genetics because I got bored, then back through the whole thing. We also talked about who was and who wasn't going to camp (I was one of the latter. I think I've already mentioned this.). Then, after the cramming, the Science skills comp came. We got into class late (but only by 2 minutes or so), and we got ready, getting out pens and what-not. And so we started. And I tell you what; it wasn't actually that hard. Some stuff you had to think about for a bit, I suppose, but when it comes to difficulty, it wasn't too hard. So I hope that, when I get my marks back, they'll be good. Lunch was a mixture of music and 31. We'll probably get back to 13 tomorrow.

Period 5 was English, in which we got two cartoons and were told to analyse them. One of them was fairly obvious, although you had to piece it all together to answer the half-page or so of questions. The other, however, made no sense whichever way you looked at it. And we had a sub, Contado, so she didn't know the answer either. I just got my book out when I was finished and read that. I love doing that. Period 6 was History, in which we did another pre-test, like yesterday's. This one was easier, and I finished in about 20 minutes (I improved on yesterday's result, too). Notable event: Johnson writing 'Fish' instead of 'Finish.' It said: "Fish: 2:50." I thought it was pretty funny. After school ended, while I was waiting at the station, I talked to Kale for a bit, on all manner of things from the upcoming Talent Quest to how I memorised the periodic table (if this is not a symbol of supreme nerdiness, I don't know what is).

When I got home, I blogged a bit, and around 4, Dad showed up, and offered to take me to cricket training to catch up with some of the guys who I won't get to see that often, now that hapkido has replaced cricket as my exercise of choice. So I trained with them for about 45 minutes, give or take. And I tell you, my fitness has definitely improved. It is coming along very well. So when I arrived back at home, I watched TV, the new Abridged episode (42 has finally come! Link!), and blogged. And here I am.

I will now go happily to the celebrations, where we shall see the many things that have happened since Day 1, featuring links to the respective posts that have documented them:
*Getting braces: Oh yeah. That's probably gotta be one of the biggest things that has occurred. A life-changing thing it is, braces, and I've learned to live with them. Though I will most likely be very happy once they are off.
*Hapkido begins: Another big one, that I almost forgot. I've given up my roots of cricket and AFL for hapkido, and I think it is a pretty good choice. I've never felt more fit, as I've said, and that's saying something.
*The concert: It's one of the bigger social events I've had so far, and it was so good, I'm going to another one: The Britney Spears one. I've liked her since I was 5, I think, and seeing her in Australia will be a big thing for me.
*The many other things I simply could not post all to, like trips to Canberra, half-yearlies, assignments, the beginning of 13... yeah. Heaps of stuff. And I'd like to say hey to everyone who was there, who are here, and who are reading.

And this was my day. Thanks again, everyone, for reading, and being a part of my blog. Now, let's see if I can get some people commenting. There haven't been many, lately, but I hope I'll get some for this post. Here's hoping, hey?

200 posts down, and many, many more to go,


  1. congrats on the 200th post
    what happened to that book you were writing?
    did you find out who any of the anons were?
    are u going to do the talent quest(reciting periodic table)?

  2. Btw: ^^firstings, and secondings

  3. you pathetic bastard!
    you r a moronic idiot!
    (i went to that link on the first post)
    curse you and your family!
    I'm going to KILL YOU!!!
    btw, third as well

  4. Rick and rolled ha?
    I'm going to cut you up into tiny pieces!
    fourth as well

  5. there better not be a virus!
    or your dead!
    How the fuck do you turn it of?!
    fifth as well

  6. you better not make my computer crash!!!
    sixth and seventh as well

    I'm just going to turn the bloody computer off
    eigth as well

  8. just so you know, long posts get boring
