Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Assignments Begin

Starting with the English speeches, which started today. The Ag assignment starts Monday, and after that, I don't think we have any more assignments, thank god. Well, none that we've been given. I really hope they don't give us another one. Anyway. Sorry about the late post, stuff happens.

Before school, I cut up the speech cards for English, and I got ready. I got to school, and got ready, bringing my speech out and reading through it a couple of times. Role Call was the same. Then, it was Period 1: English. We all got split up so the same people didn't have to listen to the speeches about the same book, and by a happy coincidence I was in the same class as Kevin. We were in CR1 with Smith, one of the new teachers. She's a bit like Nicholls, so she's pretty good. We listened to speeches, but Kevin and I didn't do ours yet. It was all volunteers, and I was reluctant to do mine. I also forgot my transcript, although I made up for it by giving Smith my palm cards. Which worked out pretty well. Period 2 was Commerce, in which we went to the computer labs to do some work on taxes. However, the internet was utterly stuffed on my computer, so all I really did was sit at my desk and write more stuff down from the board, and read when I was done. So a good little bludge.

Recess was 13, as usual. Period 3 was Science, which was doing an experiment to extract DNA from wheat germ using disinfectant, ethanol, hot water as ingredients, and my iPod for a stopwatch. It sounds strange, but it worked. Our group did really well, which is surprising considering Tan is in our group (people who read my blog may remember when he spilled copper sulfate on me a while back). Once we'd done the actual experiment, we left it to sit, and then talked it out a bit. Lunch was the usual, of course.

Then, it was Sport, which was, for the very last time I think, basketball. I ended up getting in a group with John and Kevin, so we talked a long way through it. When it was time to shoot, I decided I'd get a bit silly with it, so I bounced the ball to get it in (it didn't), closed my eyes and aimed (that worked surprisingly well), and did it backwards and from a long way out (less successful). When it came time to actually play a game of basketball, I didn't really do anything well, with the notable exception of beating Bryan (he had the ball. I ran after to him with the intention of getting the ball back. I did.). That was fun, because I had the pleasure of saying to him what I say to all sporty people at school after I beat them at their own game (quite literally): 'Beaten by a nerd!' Only to people who rub me up the wrong though. Or when I'm feeling in a good mood. Hey, sometimes I can be really good at sport. Sometimes.

After school, I read, and then talked to Ebony, as happens on Wednesday afternoons after Victor has gone. And after I got home, blogged a bit, surfed the net, had dinner, and so on and so forth, it was time to go to hapkido. Shay had work today (though I think I already mentioned that), so she didn't come. I had peaks and troughs today at hapkido, with the peak being me really getting to grips with my cross, and the troughs being primarily concerned with rolls. Failed back rolls, strange front rolls, and an attempted signature that ended with Grandmaster Geoff looking at me like I really didn't know what I was doing (which I did. Though to less of an extent than I expected). Apparently, we're supposed to do it from standing up, which will mean more working on it before class. Well, that happens. When I got home, I blogged, but only just enough to finish
Tuesday's post. So here I am.

And that was my day. I am sorry about the late post, though on the bright side it looks like my titles are finally getting better. Primarily because things are actually happening (assignments, but still. They're things.). Tomorrow's post will probably also be late, though hopefully not. The Ag assignment will also be my top priority for the weekend, so... late posts await. Ah well. These things happen.

Assignments annoy AB absolutely (ta-da!),

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