Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bludges and Braces

My titling remains on its plateau of uncreativity. Well, I suppose it's not the title, but rather the post. Still, annoyance. I'll work on improving them. But, yeah, there was bludging today, and I went to the orthodontist for my braces. So, to my day.

Before school, I listened to Hamish & Andy on my iPod, as I haven't done that for a while. They are pretty funny. Period 1 was Science, in which we did an experiment on velocity. What we did is that we went to the main quad, and I measured out 50 m using the trundle wheel (I love using that thing, and I'm not entirely sure why.). We then got Rhys to walk the course, with people recording times every 10 metres, so we can get a rough estimate of how fast he was walking. Then, the same with Corinne, except she ran it. Next period we'll take the times and graph them. Period 2 was Computer Maths, in which we got theorems for circle geometry from Years 11 and 12, and then we were supposed to try to prove them on Geometer's Sketchpad. We also got the results of the Maths test that I did on Friday back. I got 37/40. I made some silly mistakes, but I'm happy with my mark. Recess was 13. I was very annoyed, with me getting a triple two and losing. Goddamn.

Periods 3 and 4 were Ag, and for most of the first period, we went back down to the farm to finish up preparing the soil for our potatoes. However, only a few of us were needed to do it, so I spent the time playing Solitaire and listening to music from my iPod. It's always fun. When we got back to the class, we did a few presentations, with Courtney and Andrew giving the class some goat cheese (it tasted just like regular cheese, except it had a slight tang about it. Slightly salty and sour. And I could swear I smelt goat, but nobody else could.), and Allie's was a video instead of a Powerpoint. On the goats that were back at her farm. And hers was good. I mean, really good. Lunch was talking and cards.

Period 5 was English, in which we talked about the new topic that we started, which is 'Odd One Out,' and how we have areas of study in Years 11 and 12. I got a little too enthusiastic, though, when Hancock asked if anyone had seen 'Life of Brian,' and I, very loudly, called out 'Yes!' I didn't mean too, of course, but it happened. He was mentioning the scene where Brian calls out 'You're all individuals!' And it was hilarious, of course. Just watch it: it's one of the funniest movies of all time, in my opinion. Maybe even the funniest. We also got our speech marks back. I got 19/20, which is more than I expected. How fickle English marks are. Period 6 was History, in which we got an assignment. That's two in two days; and just when I thought I was getting over them. Bugger. Luckily, it doesn't seem that hard. And when I got home, we got something to eat, and then we went straight back out again, as I had to go the orthodontist. They were installing the metal part (I'm not sure what it's called, but it's the metal thing that goes right on your tooth, not the wire.) on a tooth that was still coming through, as well as the general tune-up. When I got home, I listened to music and played some BFH. Only a bit though. And then I blogged, though evidently not enough. So here I am.

To comments now, just the one.
*Ebony: Huh? Wah? Oh. Right. Yes, I did miss comments, and so I missed your comments too. And yes, first, though I see that you didn't mention your status as an aeroplane. Ah well.

And that was my day. Yes, it was a late post, I completely misjudged how much time I had on Tuesday night, and so posted late. That happens, though. Wednesday's post will hopefully not be late, though I'm not promising anything.

The relentless cycle of assignments continues; ah well,


  1. lol you didnt mention my maths result... that was the highlight of period 2, how could you exclude it? lol. then again, you beat my english mark, but only 19... and you gotta get off the BFH your gonna turn into one of those addicts. So many assignments...

  2. No you didn't mention that I wasn't at school.
    Not even once!
    You didn't miss me at all =(
