Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yet More Maths

Let's think: On Thursday, there was the 4 hour one; the day after I did the topic test; and today I did the ICAS Maths comp. Hopefully that's it for a while. But, yeah. A lot of maths, or at least it feels like it. I'm also not sure how good the title is. Anyway. My day, apart from Period 1 was mostly a bludge. Well, let's see my Wednesday, shall we?

Before school, I blogged about Tuesday. But not enough. Instead of catching the train to school, however I was driven to school by Jo, for the first time in quite a while. It was actually pretty spot-on timing, because I got to the station stairs at exactly the same time Ebony did. It was sort of freaky. Role Call was getting a note for camp, and then going to the music room for the Maths comp. It went for about an hour (I'm not sure exactly how long it was), and I got all but one question done, but that's because I got caught up doing the last question. I ended up working it out, though it took a long while. Period 2 was English, in which Hancock showed his awesomeness by letting us unwind after the long competition. He showed us a lot of funny stuff from his laptop, including some of Rowan Atkinson Live, and specifically, Fatal Beatings (Youtube link!). Recess was the usual.

Period 3 was Science, in which we graphed the results from yesterday's experiment. Rhys's motion was approximately linear, and Corinne's was a curve (technically it was parabolic. But, yeah. Curvy.), which means she sped up and therefore accelerated. That was seemingly the whole point of the lesson. It seemed slightly pointless, although I did read ahead, and that lesson was in the book. Probably that. Lunch was 13. And then, it was Sport, and like last Wednesday, it was T-ball, as the guy didn't show up for a second time, not that I'm complaining. I did more sport than last time, and I actually did really well with the bat, smashing the ball a bit (though the less said about my pitching, the better). I also caught a ball off Bryan, although he claimed that it was a foul ball (I was directly in front of him.). However, things predictably started to slow down, and the school day ended with me playing variants of 13 with Kevin (4, 5, 6, and so on). When I got home, I finished Tuesday's post, and after that, then it was time for hapkido.

Shay still had assignments, but Shirisha came. So that was good. We were doing pretty heavy work in the beginning (it is not easy holding the weight of a full-grown man, you know!), and I hadn't had enough to drink beforehand, so by the middle, I was utterly stuffed. I also tried doing some right back rolls, and stuffing them up basically every single time. So I stayed behind for around 10 minutes with a black belt, so that he could point out what I was doing wrong. And I think I got it; now it's just a matter of putting into practice. Here's hoping. When I got home, too, I blogged. But not enough.

To comments, two from two people.
*Mango: OK, OK, you got 100%, happy? And I am not an addict; I don't game all the time. I do do other things. And don't remind me about assignments.
*Ebony: I said that most of our group was at IPT. You are part of the 'most of our group.' Therefore, I mentioned you, though not personally.

And that was my day. Sorry about the such late post, blame hapkido. And society. Yeah, society'll do. Blame them. Thursday's post will hopefully not be late, although no promises, of course. I can't promise what I may not deliver.

Enough comps already!,

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