Monday, August 3, 2009

Seminars, Substitutes and Signatures

OK, I really don't like alliteration titles (as in, titles that start with the same sound. This one isn't that bad, because it's three. But still.). As usual though, I'm running late on posts, and creativity is not with me. Also, things just aren't happening that warrant their own title. Soon, hopefully.

Period 1 was one of those seminars. I had a whole rant planned out here, complete with wit, jokes, and sarcasm. However, towards the end, he pulled out the shock card, and told us that his son, who had been mentioned repeatedly, was killed by a drink driver. That revelation was followed by several seconds of silence as the fact really sank in. In retrospect, it was fairly obvious, after his prominence in the beginning and his passion towards the subject. But I didn't see it. So no jokes: that would be insensitive. Period 2 was Drama, which was working on an ad for a random product. Our group came up with the reverse of a microwave: A Coolwave (trademark). Ebony says it's impossible; I say get some liquid nitrogen. Anyway. It was actually pretty fun. Recess was 13, while listening to Monty Python on my iPod.

Period 3 was Commerce, which was doing some work off sheets with a sub. Kearney was here, but he was down at the seminar with another grade. I finished the work before the bell went (it didn't involve much real work. All you really had to do was read something from the sheets, write it down, and occasionally use a calculator), and went to read for the precious few minutes I had. Period 4 was Science, in which we had Mahfouz instead of Robson, for some ungodly and incredibly unfair reason. He gave us textbook work, which took all of maybe 20 minutes. So once that was done, I read more. I love when I can do that. Lunch was talking to people. (Yes, no 13 at lunch again.).

Period 5 was English, which was doing a bit of work on speeches, and what we can do to help our assignments along (I've already finished mine, of course, but it did help a bit). Period 6 was History, in which we were doing a Geography competition. I also came upon my eternal geographical worry: Latitude and Longitude. I can never work out which is which. (Wikipedia says latitude is north-south. I hope I'll remember that). After the quiz, Johnson told us which is which, and I therefore got at least 2 wrong. Ah well. When I got home, I talked on MSN and blogged for a bit, and around 7, I left for hapkido.

There weren't many people in class today, including Shirisha. Shay was here, but she has work on Wednesday, so she won't be here. Anyway. In class today we did work on a few new things. We did work to keep our heart rate up. Specifically, we got in front of a punching bag in defensive stance, and then tried to do 25 sets (left turning kick, left jab, right jab, right turning kick, right jab, left jab, left turning kick... you get the picture) while the rest of the class did 10 kicks. Needless to say, it was hard. We also did some knife defense, but halfway through it I felt a bit queasy (not entirely sure why), so I had to go get a drink and so on. I also got my 22nd signature: turning kick. I was worried when I did it, but I pulled through in the end. So that only leaves my rolls and $35 (for the belt), and I'll make it to orange. Expect a lot of rejoicing when that happens.

And that was my day. Yet again there are no comments, so this is the last paragraph. And I shall now stop complaining about having no comments; it's getting annoying to everybody. Especially me. Anyway. Yes, it's also another late post; that's due to hapkido, assignments, and sleeping in. This is very late, so Tuesday's just might be as well. Ah well. That happens.

That's 125,000 words (and counting),

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