Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Whole Heap of Work

And by work, I don't mean writing stuff in our book. I mean actually getting out there and doing work. I mean, we had stuff in Ag, then sport, hapkido... Well, let's just see how my day all came together, shall we?

Before school, I blogged a fair bit, though just not enough. First it was Role Call, in which I read 'The Count of Monte Cristo,' and got complimented on it by Johnson. I must say, it is a very good book; though if you don't particularly like to really get into books (or if you don't like reading, which is, rather sadly and to my great regret, increasingly becoming the case), don't read it. It is something along the lines of 1200 pages. Period 1 was History, in which we did a pre-test to the History comp which is coming up. And it was full of stuff we'd never been taught, showed, or ever really come across. The highest in the class was 40/50, which sounds good until you see it was 80% and by Lana. Yeah. Next was English, in which we read this short story, and answered questions. We had a sub, and I would write her name down if I knew it. Sorry, anonymous substitute teacher!

Recess was a lot of 13, as always. Towards the end, however, some strange stuff happened: we got kicked out of the Science block for some reason or another, and then when the bell went, nobody moved for about 5 minutes. My guess is that people were thinking 'Nobody else is moving, so why should I move?' You can see the fallacy behind that, as if everybody thinks that, nobody moves. But, people did start to move, and we went to Ag. We first went up to the sheds, to get some hoes (and, as you can guess, many, many jokes were made), and then to the farm, to dig some beds for the potatoes we soon shall plant. And it was very tiring. Get the hoe, smash into the ground, pull the dirt up, repeat. Goddamn. We only did 20 or so minutes of it, and towards the end I took out my iPod. Well, of course.

Lunch was some games of 13 with Andy, John, Ebony, Mango and me, as Kevin was in Sick Bay for the first part of lunch with an allergy, and Victor was with him. When he got back, we played some 31. I like 31, but not as much as 13. We also played 1, 2, 3, and many other strange variants of 13. It was then Sport, which had sunk to new depths as we gave up doing any sport at all at around quarter to 2. We played T-Ball for about 10 minutes, and then we did some other stuff. So we spent the remainder of the time doing things like playing cards, trying to get things hanging over the cross bar of the rugby, and talking about Microsoft voices, like Sam and Anna (yeah. A bit out there.). It was a pretty good Wednesday sport session. After sport, I read, and talked to Ebony. And when I got home, I blogged a bit, and we left for hapkido around 6:45.

Shay came today, but Grandmaster Geoff didn't. So we got taught by another black belt. Again, I'm not sure of his name. I really have to start remembering. Anyway. Before the class, I decided to get something with some of the money I got on the weekend: a hat. I like hats. The actual lesson was a pretty tough ones, with running and a lot of exercises that were killer on the abs (as well as ABs! *crickets chirping*). After the lesson, Shay stayed behind to get some signatures done, while I hung back and waited. And waited. I got home at something like 9:00 (45 minutes after class ended.). I started blogging at 9:30, and so did not finish in time. So here I am.

This was my Wednesday. Tomorrow's post is the big 200: Let's all gather round tomorrow, shall we? I will get it done in time: this I vow. Also, a better title awaits. Or, rather I hope. I really wish. Anyway. I'll just end now.

Work, work, it never ends,

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