Monday, September 21, 2009

Doc Doc, I'm There

OK, that's a play on words for 'Knock knock, who's there.' But, that's sorta obvious (and if it's not, then damn.). And quite frankly, I am enjoying this great titling run. Two days may not seem like a lot, and it really isn't. But two days is a long time in posting (it really is. Well, in my blog anyway.). Now, to my day, before I start ranting too much about late posting (and short posting as well. Although, I do have to rant about something. I mean, what else would I do?).

I woke up at around 6:30, and we all decided that we would stay home for the day. My argument was that if I was sick and I went to school, then I could be in some trouble (sudden urge to vomit + being in class = bad!). So I figured staying home was the best idea. My brother had a different idea which led to the same conclusion (that is, staying home from school), and Mum concurred. So we got ready for the day, and at about 8:30, Mum drove off with Oma for the station, seeing as Dad had left for Canberra for a bit. I waved to them goodbye, and watched them leave. Mum got back soon after, and at around 10:30, we left for the local doctor's.

We spent a bit of time there, and the essentials of what he said we had is a stomach bug, a virus that should go away within a few days. On his computer, he said gastroenteritis which (according to Wikipedia) sounds bad, but seems to be medical speak for what I just said (the stomach bug, in case you're wondering). He also said that I may get diarrhoea (pretty sure that's how you spell it), which sucks. We got home at about 11, and I did a bit of my assignment. I look forward to a time when there won't be any assignments due for a while (so, holidays). And towards the end of the day, when I didn't have diarrhoea (thank god) and, to boot, I hadn't vomited for a while... I actually didn't go to hapkido. I know, I know, but my health does come first. Should go on Wednesday though, when I will hopefully get my orange belt. Here's hoping. Instead, I played some Battlefield Heroes, trying to get some decent screenshots. I also listened to some of the Brownlow medal count, though not much because of time problems. However, I didn't get to post so much, so here I am.

And that was my day. Sorry it's a rather short post, but when you really didn't do much, then there's only so much you can write (Sunday's was only longer because of the comment and the waking up really early, and even then...). Ah well. This stuff happens. I should be going to school tomorrow, so expect a long-ish post for then. We'll see, at any rate.

My sickness, I hope, is improving,

1 comment:

  1. lol 'sundays was only longer because of the comment...' your blog has really lost its popularity.
