Thursday, September 3, 2009

Storms and Seminars

As usual, back to alliterative titles. The alternate title was 'Pouring and Presentations,' which means essentially the same thing, but it was more like a seminar than a presentation (the one about the rain would have just gone to match with the last word). Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really. Anyway. Yes, it's a late post, but that's only because I had an assignment. Well, I suppose society had a hand in it as well...

Before school, EJ gave me a maths puzzle that he got in class, and was supposed to do in 5 minutes. It took me about 15 minutes, and I got fractional numbers (as in, 3/17). My guess is either he gave me the wrong question, or the teacher had no idea what was going on. Period 1 was Science, in which we did this experiment with a ticker-timer (Wikipedia doesn't seem to understand, but what it actually is is this little device with a hammer. You feed ticker tape through, and 50 times a second the hammer goes down, marking the tape.). I was with Courtney and Shirisha, as they offered and their group didn't have enough people in it. We were just trying to figure out how much things accelerate due to gravity (9.8 m/s², but we're attempting to get that result ourselves). Period 2 was Computer Maths, in which we went onto the computers to do some stuff for trigonometry. We used Geometer's Sketchpad, so I'm happy. Recess was cards.

Period 3 was a presentation in the library, by a guy from Sydney University, as well as another woman and a student. He had come to tell us all about the spaces available in such positions as veterinary scientists and agricultural economists. And, as you might think, it was boring as hell. The woman was alright (she was talking about horse nutrition, and made it more exciting than I would have guessed), but the guy talked in a monotone for the entire thing, and the student looked like he didn't want to be there. Period 4 was Ag again (it was a double), but this period we went out to do some more hoeing. I, however, used it as an excuse to listen to the Tom Lehrer album on my iPod that I had completed. And it therefore was not a bad period, although towards the end it did start to rain. Lunch was 31 with Kevin in the music rooms, then going down to the computer labs in the DT block to get my jokers from Mango, who had stolen them.

Period 5 was English, in which we got yet another assignment (Goddamn!). This one doesn't seem too hard, but it's still annoying. There was also a big thing going on with the guys next to me, with Hancock labelling them 'monkeys,' and accidental hilarity ensuing when Ben said that whoever bought Andrew's bag was gay, then later saying he had bought it for him. Yeah. Period 6 was History, in which we did another one of those pre-tests. I swear, these are getting way too boring. After school, after making my way through the pouring rain, I finished the assignment we were doing in class, thank god. However, unfortunately, I didn't get to blog, quite evidently. So this is why it is late.

Such was today. There may be some late posts still to come: that is because my schedule has been neatly and completely thrown out of whack. I'll see if I can get it back (hey, that rhymed!), but I'm not going to say when because even I don't know. We'll just have to see.

It rained for the first time in ages,

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