Friday, September 18, 2009

Bright Bludgy Days

I am referring, of course, to a Tom Lehrer song called 'Bright College Days.' Because, you know, I couldn't think of anything else. Anyway. I did have a big bludge today, which is a good way to end a week full of working on assignments like there's no bloody tomorrow. So, to my day, because this post is late as it is.

Period 1 was Geography, in which we watched a video (you reckon that our school would start to get some DVDs soon. I mean, there are some DVDs, but videos far outweigh them.). It was on corruption in Africa, though I forget the actual country. I do know that they spoke both Swahili and English there though, and so after checking the Wikipedia page for Swahili, as well as some other Googling, I'm pretty sure it was Kenya. But don't quote me. Period 2 was Science, in which I did my presentation on juvenile diabetes. I used the chalkboard as well as my sheet, and I think it came off pretty well, though a fair bit of it was impromptu. Next was Assembly, in which we talked about the gate incident (but what would the media call it. They couldn't name it after Watergate, as they love to do: Gategate just sounds retarded.). When they mentioned it, it seemed like everybody turned to look at Johnny, and everybody kept saying 'Johnny! Johnny!' Recess was cards.

Period 3 was Ag, in which we started a new topic: farm business management. It's about as exciting as it sounds. And if you think that that sounds exciting, then there is something definitely wrong with you. Period 4 was PE, in which something strange happened. Before class, Wilson got us to fix up our uniforms (like, the top buttons. Ouch.). And it gradually got bigger and bigger, until we got to the end of the class and Wilson was still lecturing us about uniforms. Bloody hell. We didn't do any work, though. Lunch was the usual.

Period 5 was Maths, in which we did yet more trigonometry. It wasn't incredibly difficult, but it wasn't a walk in the park either. There were some problems that were really fascinating, and that carried on to the next period, Drama. In that, I worked a bit on the maths, but it turned to more matters of drama. We did our Oedipus modernisation, and I played a fortune teller (who rhymed), a police officer and a doctor. My favourite was the doctor. I actually did impromptu for most of my lines, but they worked. I thought they were good. Anyway. After my day at school, I went home, and for the rest of the night I pretty much got on my computer, watched the Saints-Dogs game (the Saints were lucky, I think. I wasn't going for them.), and played some Battlefield Heroes.

And that was my day. Sorry about the late post; blame society and weekend procrastination. Also, expect more late posts, though I could pull ahead and get back on schedule. It may not be likely, but it can happen.

Weekend; yes!,

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