Friday, December 4, 2009

Tennis and Terminations

With thanks to an online thesaurus for this one, I managed to think of a title fairly quickly. By the termination bit, I refer to the end of a few things; the last full week of Year 10, for one, and a few others that will come (well, at least one.). By tennis, I refer to... well, what do you think I refer to?

The first thing in school was Assembly, and it was stinking hot. Everybody was in the shade; it was actually quite funny. The whole school, bar about 5 people, were sitting around the edge of the Main quad, far from the teachers who were speaking, under the shade of the trees and the shelter, while those few who weren't there were sitting very close under the shade of another tree. The middle of the Main quad, where the sun beat down unstopped, was bare. It was pretty funny. Period 1 was English, where we looked at the speech given by George Bush after 9/11 some more. We're not really doing work (or at least, not hard work), but it is something productive, which is about the best you can ask for at this point. Period 2 was Maths, and we did even less than most other periods; we played cards. More specifically, we played a game called 'Mafia,' which apparently works a lot better with a lot of people, and it was pretty fun. I enjoyed it, at least. Even Faulds played; and was promptly eliminated from the game in the first round. It was pretty funny. Recess was the standard talking.

Period 3 was Drama, and a total of around 5 people showed up to the class, Kolodziej included. Later, Pradeepti showed up; and took Amy with her. Leaving us with about 4 (I say about because I'm not sure of the excat number. It could have been 5.). We spent the class pretty much talking to Kolodziej, and he talked about his band (it's pretty cool; he even looks like he belongs in the band. Here's the site; he's the bass player on the far left.). I talked about hapkido, partly, and my obsession with the elements. It was a pretty good period. Period 4 was Commerce, and it was more of a video. Similar to yesterday, I mainly played my DS. For that reason, I didn't take much note. It was one of those periods. Lunch was the standard.

Periods 5 and 6 were PE, and it was, if you can believe, the last PE period of the year, and thus, my high school life (we still do Sport, but not PE.). It was a little annoying, then, that I forgot that lifesaving for Year 7s was on, and I had brought my swimwear. So I had to play in my school uniform, although I didn't particularly mind, other than that it was a little uncomfortable to play in. We played tennis (I don't have tennis for a label? I could have sworn I did... well, I do now, regardless.), and I originally played with Andrew, Barahona and Matt. However, they soon left. And that was when Wilson came in. So I started playing tennis with him. And it was pretty fun now. Both of us were worn out and run ragged, but it was pretty damn fun. I'm never gonna be a professional tennis player, but I still enjoy it. Soon, Andrew came in, and it was us two against Wilson. That was pretty fun as well. When that was done, we started heading home, when the bell rang.

To comments now (holy crap, comments?), with one from Ebony:
*Ebony: I never actually said he played CounterStrike, I just said that he was in the class, and that I played CounterStrike. It may have been implied, but it was unintentional. Also, I've heard this about the wedding. Usually, I would make some smartass quip, but, considering who I'm talking to, I really shouldn't be surprised.

And that was my day. Next post is my 300th post, which is regrettably late. And by regrettably, I mean I'm kicking myself here. Repeatedly. Annoyed is what I'm saying here. So, I might do a little recap of the last 100 posts, so expect a long-ish post. Not sure how long, it could be one of the longest posts I've done. Just have to see.

Here comes 300 (cue the inevitable Sparta reference),


  1. wow, your falling behind ab
    anyway right now i'm in a third world country looking over some slums, have fun over in oz.
    cyas shaf

    ps that first comment wasn't me
