Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Robbing and Relaxing

OK, I just want to stress this first part: I did not do the robbing, and the person who did do it (you'll see soon) didn't mean anything malicious from it. I just needed something to make a decent title (because, as bad as an alliterative title is, it's better than any old title.). So, without further ado, let us have a look at my day.

Period 1 was Geography, and we watched yet more Man vs Wild. It is getting slightly repetitive (here, I'll summarise pretty much every episode ever made: Bear Grylls is dropped off by helicopter at a hostile location. He eats anything available, including random plant parts and any insect he can find. Soon he attacks and consumes some dangerous animal, such as a python or a skunk. He occasionally drinks his own urine. Wait, what do I mean occasionally?). I still enjoy it, mainly because he always does at least one thing (like sleeping inside a dead sheep. No, really.). Period 2 was Science, and we were seeing how fast we ran and walked, as well as using LoggerPro (the graphing thing) to work out how fast we ran. At one point, we needed someone to hold a ruler to measure, to get some sort of scale, and Ebony was that someone. So according to Pitt, she was the 'scale model.' I was the only one who laughed, which was a little sad, although the joke was hysterical (so it seems both Robson and Pitt use puns. Could it be a Science thing? Hopefully; I enjoy them.). Recess was just talking.

Period 3 was Ag, and Lana was eating a sandwich (this may seem completely pointless and stupid to put in, but just trust me. I have a reason. You'll see.). This was not the focal point of the lesson, which instead was going out to drench cows. Which pretty much just means running some liquid across their backs. I also did some bad Bear Grylls impressions. Because, you know, I can't help it. He's just so funny to impersonate. Period 4 was PE, and we were in class doing pretty much nothing. That was when Lana turned around and asked why Andrew had given her the sandwich (Nutella, apparently. Wondering anything?), as it came out of the blue. Andrew said he had found it on the playground. At this point, I was thinking 'Some poor sucker's lost his sandwich. Wait...' So I checked my bag, and sure enough, my lunchbox was gone. I quickly established that it was, in fact, my sandwich, and many laughed (Ebony in particular thought it was great. I took it all in good humour, Lana apologised, and Andrew gave me money for the canteen. So it all worked out.). Then, we saw Tan playing 'Tekken 6' on PSP, which was awesome. Lunch was playing 'Mario Kart' over my DS against Eric and Shafi. Eric had an actual kart, so he was winning, but I was coming a close second (also, he drifts and I don't. So, yeah.).

Period 5 was Maths, in which we learnt all about parabolas, cubic curves and other such exponential curves. And by learnt, I mean we looked at the screen, and watched Rawson talk about it. Hey, we're not supposed to be doing work. And just because we are doesn't mean we actually take it into account. So, silent protest here. Period 6 was Drama, and we did more of the plays, and of course, I participated to some degree in every one of them. Probably because I love the comedic side of Drama; it's partially why I wanted to get into it. Eventually I got home and blogged, although not enough. So here I am.

Such was my day. I know this late posting has gotten out of control. There will come a day of relentless posting, and that will be soon. Trust me here. Later, titles will improve. Hopefully. You can never be too sure of that last one,

I liked that sandwich,

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