Monday, November 30, 2009

Hapkido and Humour

Do I honestly need to explain this one? There was humour, and I did hapkido. So, yeah. No further explanation needed. However, this also means the opening paragraph is a little shorter than I'd like. Although this little bit seems to be working. OK, I'll stick with that, but since I can't think of much else, I'll go into my day now.

Period 1 was Science, and we all went up to the computer rooms with Pitt, in order to graph the results of the height vs armspan measurements that we did a few days ago. And we found a correlation of about 1, which pretty much does mean that they were about the same, on average at least. In actuality, the points were scattered around the line of best fit, which means the measurements in approximate (by which I mean, your armspan will be approximately the same as your height, and vice versa.). We also went on something called WolframAlpha (link of website provided. If you want to know what it is, well, I'm about to tell you, and would have already done so if not for these brackets. So, yeah.), in which you input a question, and it gives you the answer. For example, you put in "Why is the sky blue?" and it tells you that it is Rayleigh scattering. Another example: put "pi to 15 decimal places" and it comes up with 3.141592653589793. That's pretty amazing (and it works to many decimal places of pi.). I recommend you try it. Period 2 was our year assembly, and it was rather funny, for two reasons. One was that Shane and Oscar did a performance that we originally saw in Drama. So while a few of us already knew what was coming, it was still funny. The second was that Mango did a brief stand-up routine, which wasn't entirely original (I'd heard at least one of the jokes before, and not from him.). Still, a lot of people enjoyed it, me included. Recess was talking.

Period 3 was English, and we had a lesson with Arnault for the first time replacing Hancock. We did the 'I Have A Dream' speech by Martin Luther King, which you may not have heard (I hadn't before today, which is slightly shameful), but you at least should have heard of. Having heard it now, I can say it was, and still is, a very good speech, and that you would have to be something other not to agree with him. Period 4 was Maths, and we were doing yet more work on parabolae from sheets. It is fetting rather boring, and Maths seems to be one of the only subjects in which we're doing work on the same level as before it all started to slow down. I'd say that's A1 for you, but other classes are doing it too. Ah well. Lunch was both playing DS and 13, which I somehow managed to juggle. I also got a massage from one of the random Year 7s that hang around with us. Why, I don't know, but it didn't feel too bad. Quite relaxing, actually.

Period 5 was Drama, and we were reading from plays from a play book. They were comedic plays, so we enjoyed it. I certainly did, as I took a role in almost every single play there. There was an absurd one, among others, which Tansy and I read from and a lot of other people didn't seem to get. It was very Monty Python (in that, it intentionally made little real sense), so of course I loved it. Period 6 was Commerce, and we had a substitute, Haracic (who I believe may or may not be a new permanent substitute. I don't think so, but I'm not sure what classes he teaches.), who got us to work from the textbook. Nobody actually did. It was mostly playing with some egg that may not have been an egg (hell, I was there and it didn't make much sense.). Eventually, I got home, and it was soon time for hapkido.

Grandmaster Geoff was here today, as was Shirisha. And I should know, as by a one of life's little coincidences, we were partnered together. I was slightly put to shame, as her kicks are better than mine (and I'm not sure whether that's taking into account belt colours. And no, that is not racism.). It wasn't a bad session; I enjoyed it, at least. And when I got home, I tried to blog, although evidently not quite enough. So here I am.

Thus was my day. It stands now in my blog, a testament to some random day (OK, I'm trying to think of new ways to start this closing paragraph. I actually don't think that that's too bad.). What isn't clear is the late post, of which is this is one. Annoying, I know. I'm trying.

Alliterative titling may be getting a little old,

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