Saturday, November 7, 2009

Borders Patrol

OK, I'm back in the realm of titling with plays on words. This one is referring to the fact that I went to Borders, the great two level book store in Macarthur Square that holds a number of magnificent books at prices at Dymocks level (that's not to say that they don't have, in my view, overpriced books. But so do Dymocks. Average price is what I'm saying here.). So, yes, I went to Borders. Anyway. Onward to my day!

I woke up at around 7:30, and I eventually, after messing around and doing chores, did some Science study. Mostly Year 9 stuff, as I need to know that and there are questions where you have to remember the facts, not like in Maths, for example, where you can work it out, or some other exams, where you can guess it pretty well, as the answer is fairly straight-forward (like PE, where you may only know a few facts, and use common sense to get the rest. How well you get usually depends on how well you guess.). Around 11, we left for Macarthur Square.

We went to Borders first, and there was a reason (we weren't just going in for no particular reason. We should actually do that more often.). You see, it was Shaylee's birthday about a week ago (November 2, to be precise), and I hadn't had a chance to get anything for her. So I looked around the shop, and I ended up finding a book for her (I haven't read it before, but it looks pretty good). Mum got her something too, and so with that done, I went to the lower level to check out the physics book. I ended up finding another book on string theory, which is surprising as this one isn't by Brian Greene. I got it of course; it wasn't too expensive, as some physics books are (I saw a book for $40! And not one of those gigantic, hardcover, A4 sized books, either; a regularly sized paperback. Jesus, that's a rip.). I also found something for Dad for Christmas, or, rather, Mum found it and I got it. I think he'll like it. We then wandered around the shops for a while, and at around 12:30, we left for home.

When I got home, I blogged for a bit, and played cards with EJ. For dinner, we went to Moorebank Sports Clubs, with the family of one of Dad's friends from cricket. Unfortunately, the oldest kid is EJ's age, so I was feeling a little bit left out. Dinner was good, though, as I had a bacon and beef burger (it didn't have any cheese on it, which is something that could have made it much, much better.). And for dessert, I had ice-cream with chocolate topping. I think it can be safely said that it was a good dinner, although I didn't have much to do. On the car ride to Club Italia and back (we had to drop Dad off to a meeting), I listened to my iPod, which promptly ran out of charge. In all fairness, I haven't charged it in a while. And when I got home, I blogged, but not enough. So here I am.

I shall now go on to comment replies, with two from the one person.
*Mango: ...that makes sense. Thanks for that!
*Mango: I rarely actually use that calculator, and I have never had reason to check the modes. So, there.

And that was my day. I'm trying to get back up to schedule, trust me, but there's been study for exams getting in the way, and a lot of other stuff coming up (did I expect to go to that dinner? No.). So I'm guessing after exams. And I know I'm procrastinating, but what do you expect?

I do enjoy book shopping,

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