Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cutting and Cooking

In cutting, I mean I did mowing of the lawn (I needed a thesaurus for that one; I was having difficulty), and by cooking, I really mean helping my Dad out with a barbecue. I also did other things, but working that into the title might be pushing it. Anyway. So, yeah, let's get to my day, shall we?

I got up at about 7:30, as we were going to our grandparents' place for morning tea (well, not all of our grandparents. EJ's and my grandparents, Mum's parents... Nanny and Poppa, OK?). We went because Poppa's birthday was on Wednesday, and we came over to celebrate that. I ended up bringing my cards. So we got to Nanny and Poppa's, and we (everyone except EJ) all talked about Christmas and birthday presents and that type of thing, for quite a while. We also talked about my electives, and my exams and so on. By this time, of course, EJ was bored out of his brain, with there being nobody around to play anything with (Dad and EJ are the type of people who need others around to have fun. Mum and I are the opposite, as we can entertain ourselves without company. That's not to say we don't prefer company, but... anyway.). However, soon I figured it was time to go play with EJ, who promptly beat me at chess (I'm not the greatest at chess, I'm the first to admit.). I then made up for it by beating him at cards a few times. Everything works out in the end.

When we were finished up at Nanny and Poppa's, we went shopping, or rather, I sat in the car while Mum and Dad went into Bunnings to pick up some stuff for the lawns. When we eventually did get home, we briefly got some lunch, and then we went straight into doing the lawns, as we hadn't finished from last time. So I got my iPod out, as I do almost all the time when I'm doing the lawns, and after a few hours of listening to random songs from my iPod and occasional whipper-snipper problems (aren't there always problems with that whipper-snipper? Or, with all of them. This one kept having problems with the cutting cord, of which I still have no idea as to its actual name. 'Cutting cord' is probably going to stay.), it had been done. The lawn was done, the whipper-snippering was completed; at least for another few weeks.

When that was done, it was something like 4, and I adjourned to my laptop for the first actual time for the day (isn't that crazy? First real time was at 4... Another reason for the late posting.), and soon, I had to go out and help Dad cook a barbecue. Is it hard? I wouldn't say so, although the occasional rather large tongues of fire that leapt up as a result of the fat dripping off the sausages made me somewhat nervous. Other than that, it wasn't too hard (can I just now express my love of kebabs, which was something else we also cooked. Also tacos, although that has little to do with barbecuing.). And when we had dinner and so on, I tried to post back, but it was a problem. Ah well.

And that was my day. I am trying to get back, but after the revelation that there will be more late nights (especially tomorrow; the big night, the Britney Spears concert! To say that I am excited is an understatement.), well, let's say it may be a while, though I am trying. Also, can I point out one more thing: I made it to 200,000 words. Wow. Just, wow.

Can't wait for tomorrow,

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