Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bludge Betty

Continuing with titling problems is a rejected title from earlier on, which is a play on the song 'Black Betty.' Not that anybody named Betty appears in my day (in fact, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever really met anybody named Betty. I don't know if this is interesting, though. Hmm.). So, now that this little bit is out of the way, I can get to my day. Right now.

I woke up at around 8, and eventually got into the swing of blogging. To a degree. What in actuality happened was an onset of procrastination (I may be using overly long words here. This is what you get when you read the blog of a nerd. Possible conclusive evidence: I have mentioned superstring theory in my blog at least 5 times now. I rest my case.). So I tried to blog, but got caught up in TV, and MSN, and other things like this where I try to blog, but get caught up in things that don't seem particularly immersive, but really are (for example, I haven't played Battlefield Heroes in a while. You can't blog and play BFH at the same time, at least, not well. If you could, I would be all over it, believe me.). So I tried to do that, but I did not blog as much as I would like in the time provided (no, the post isn't over.).

So, soon, EJ and I had to do the dishwasher (is this important? Relatively, in that it was the most interesting thing that happened in the day, but probably wouldn't be on your standard day where you actually do stuff. Which really doesn't say much, but there you go.). I was at the dishwasher, when EJ came up and tossed a bowl at me. Only one problem: the aim was a little off. It hit my shoulder, ricocheted onto the side of a bench, and shattered on the kitchen floor. There was a moment of silence, which was broken by Mum asking what happened. EJ got in a little bit of trouble, and by a little, I mean he was banned from any and all electronics until further notice. This notice came further on in the day, after he tasted chilli, and a warning (was this worth writing? Depends. I did say this at the start of the paragraph, though. In case you forgot.).

This was my day. Hopefully soon I can get back to the scheduled posting. Also, this post was longer than the last one. This is good. The next few posts should be much longer than this one (I mean, it's only something like just over 400 words. This is insane.). This we hope for.

Late posting: bane of my blogging existence,

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