Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Hapkido It

...a play on words, of course, for 'Just Do It.' OK, so it isn't the best. But that's fine by me, because today wasn't too good for titles. Some posts aren't good for them. Anyway. Soon I'll post on time, but only soon. We'll see. So, let's get to my day, shall we?

Before school, we talked about Battlefield Heroes, of course. Role Call was reading. I'm reading a book by Brian Greene, called 'The Fabric of the Cosmos,' which is all about what spacetime is, and the direction of time and that type of thing (this may seem like a simple question, but apparently the laws of physics do not distinguish between the direction of time. This is amazing. Of course, not everyone enjoys these type of books. I do, at any rate.). Period 1 was Maths, in which we got some results back. It turned out that I got 96% for my Maths Trial School Certificate, which was not so much as good as 'Holy crap, over 90% in a subject that actually matters' (no offence to Drama, but it doesn't count for much. Unfortunately.). Period 2 was Drama, and we were supposed to be doing stuff about the Michael Jackson play. Of course, that sort of evolved into a discussion with Cam about a whole range of things. Mostly relationship involved, although, with Cameron, that's pretty normal. Recess was talking.

Period 3 was Commerce, and Kearney was away, yet again. Why, I don't know, but he was. So we had a sub, which usually happens (if it doesn't, it's a free period. I do enjoy free periods. I mostly use them to do some stuff on my book.). The sub, who I believe was Spies again, got us to do some work from the textbook, which oddly enough was the exact same work that we were given yesterday. So I just sat and read for the lesson. I love doing that. Lunch was yet more talking.

It was then time for School Sport, and we went to the netball and tennis courts to do, you guessed it: soccer (wait, what?). However, due to the many failings of the system in place to do School Sport, about 8 people did soccer, 12 people did netball, and everybody else did a range of things. Ebony and Victor sat together, while Kevin and I played with a bug (in a way. Kevin picked one beetle up so many times for some reason that we joked it was his next girlfriend. In the end, it was given the flick. Poor Kevin.), tossed a ring around (no idea how that started), and played some handball. That was fun. Once we had a drinks break (and I use the term loosely; barely any of us were actually doing any work), Kevin expressed his interest to watch Abridged over my iPod, probably because he was feeling out of the loop for the fact that it is referenced in our group on a daily basis. So I showed him the first 5 episodes or so, and he loved them. Of course he did. The bell eventually went, and when we got home, we watched some 'Rove.' At around 7, we left for hapkido.

There was a mixed class today, as belts ranging from black belt to new people. Luckily, however, we did not do multiple grabs, so I did not have to face up against one of them. If I did, then there would be some difficulties to say the least. Anyway. Shirisha ended up coming, but Grandmaster Geoff didn't. It was a pretty tiring class, but that's good in hapkido. I also brushed up on some techniques, and it was a good class. And when I got home, I blogged, but not enough. So here I am.

And that was my day. I was going to say something about lateness and that type of thing, but that's been done. Hmm. What to do, what to do... how about, trying to get back up to schedule by Sunday? Sunday sounds like a good idea. I may also try to get longer posts, but that's always a problem.

Really running out of things to say in some points,

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