Saturday, November 14, 2009

Guests and Gaming

So it's come to this: another alliterative title. But, in all fairness, it has been really hard to title, and I've also been struggling with that most dreadful of problems with my posting. Not titling, not short posts, but late ones. And how. Mainly because there's been me staying up late, doing other stuff. and then combine all that with the fact that I was already off schedule. So, yeah. Anyway. With that in mind, let's get to my day.

I was woken up at about 7, mainly because I was the only one not up and I had to get breakfast (otherwise I could have been in bed for quite a while. I don't like getting up early on weekends. Who does?). So after I got breakfast and I did my chores, I went on my laptop, where I originally tried to blog, but got gradually more and more distracted until I was making user levels on this game called 'N' (it's an odd game to explain, but pretty straightforward in the playing of it. I hope Wikipedia can explain it better then I can). I was making the level for about 2 and a half hours, which amounted to little. It was only really something to do (although, in retrospect, I really should have blogged, or at least made that Monopoly game on Scratch. Ah well.). Around 12:45, when everyone was done with cricket, we had lunch.

I then did some blogging, as I am, quite obviously, dramatically behind (I am really trying to get back up to date, but, well, the next few posts should explain it, especially Monday's.). After that, I played cards with EJ, and we played several games (I won the majority of them. That's not to say I won all of them, far from it, but I did win most of them.). Eventually though, I got a little bored, and I went on my computer. After doing a little blogging (and eventual downloading of a parody Abridged song, which is really good if you watch the series, and can be found here if you want to listen to it.).

Around 6, Shaylee came over, along with Michael and Jo (Lachlan was at a party on a beach with a friend, I think. I'm not entirely sure.). I gave her the present that I bought at Borders a few days back, as it was the first time I'd seen her since then, and for a while before that, come to think of it. So I gave her that, and she showed me what she had gotten so far, which included 'Sims 3.' She let me have a go at it, and I have to say it is a damn good game. I have played the occasional 'Sims' game before, and this one is pretty good. So for a lot of the night, we watched TV, Shay read the book I got her, I played Sims 3 and went on my laptop, and at one point, we had dinner, where we had my Mum's delicious homemade lasagna (it is pretty brilliant.). That was done (not the dinner part, but the other parts) for most of the night, and when they all left, I finished up blogging.

And that was my day. I'm not going to bring up... OK, I am going to bring up the late post again, if only to reassure that I'm trying to get back. Now that that's out of the way, let me say that I'm gonna love Monday so much, as I'm going to the Britney Spears concert. And it is going to be great.

I hate to post late,

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