Monday, November 2, 2009

Martial Starts

Am I ashamed of that bad pun about 'Martial Arts'? No, not really, though it would have made a kickass post title about the first time I did hapkido (the night of March 30, if I'm correct. This is one reason I love my blog.). Instead, it gets put to mention the fact that I did hapkido, and the fact that we started a few things. Also, I've just done one decent sized opening paragraph about two words. Yeah. This is good.

Before school, we talked about our weekends, and specifically, Battlefield Heroes, as we do. I also gave them my idea for a Youtube profile for potential videos we could make. Period 1 was English, and we started a new topic, which was something called 'Many Voices.' What does it mean, I'm not sure. I think it's a poetry thing, but I'm not entirely sure. I'd actually like to write some poetry, believe it or not. It's not going to be good, but I like being creative. Not like in Art or Music, where you can have it all planned in your head but just not be able to put it on paper. Anyway. Period 2 was Maths, and we also started a new topic, which was on probability (I would have made a joke in class about the Infinite Improbability Drive, but I don't think many people would have got it. Shame, too.). I, however, got caught up trying to work out stuff about logarithms, which all started from me thinking about rolling dice. This gradually evolved until I actually solved the birthday problem (it's a mathematics thing; have a look) from scratch, which involved work about logarithms, and ended with a quadratic equation (I am not ashamed of my nerdiness!). The answer I got was 23, and that is the correct solution. I'm quite pleased with that, actually. Recess was talking.

Period 3 was Drama, and there weren't that many people there, as was the case in the other classes, because of a triathlon that was on (even Ebony was doing it). For the first half of the lesson, we talked about something that the class will be doing for the end of the year, which is a Michael Jackson tribute play, which was apparently Wuhrer's idea (had to be a music teacher). So we're going to be doing a biographical play, sorta. It's difficult to explain, and it will be even more difficult to do costuming, I think. After that though, we did do some of the plays that we were practicing on Friday, and Cam and I did ours. I don't think it was as good as the last one, but I still think it was good. Period 4 was Commerce, in which we talked about politics, and what makes a good politician (the answer being charisma and speaking skills, among other things. And by speaking skills, I mean that they can be persuasive and actually string a sentence together, not like the last American President.). Lunch was talking.

Periods 5 and 6 were double PE, for the first time for the term, mainly because of exams getting in the way and other quirks of the six day cycle. What we did was have a look at a number of Aboriginal sports, out of a dubious booklet (I don't think Aboriginals had socks. Though I could be wrong.). We played such sports as kee'an, which involves throwing a ball in a bucket. We also played one sport that was almost exactly like dodgeball. Then we changed the rules to make it work better, and it became exactly like dodgeball. A bit pointless, if you ask me. When we were done, and the bell was gone, we went to the local shops with Dad and EJ, and then we went home (well, we had to, didn't we? Would have been pretty awkward if we didn't.). At home, I played some Battlefield Heroes with Kevin, and we did pretty well, considering it was 2 against about 6 at one point (we also got off a game from guys who were owning us. One of them had a really high accuracy, so it's a little suss. Still, he had Frenzy Fire, so maybe that's why.). At around 7, we left for hapkido.

And I say 'we' because Dad did it too. I suppose I need to say a little backstory, because otherwise this will make no sense: Our dojang (as well as two others) is having a promotional thing going for the whole of November, where any friend or family member can go to a class for free, where they can try out hapkido and see what it's like. EJ was too young, and Mum would never do it, but it just so happened that Dad was home. So I asked him. He was a bit worried, as you probably would be if you're going to a martial arts class for the first time. And it was a tough lesson. I didn't get to see him much though, considering he was a 'no belt' and I'm an orange belt. Still, we both left the class in a sweat, which is always good. And when I got home, I blogged, and we watched 'FlashForward.'

That was my day. At this point, I'm not going to apologise for lateness or shortness of posts, and titling is dealt with in the first paragraph. Which sorta leaves me at a loss for this post as to what to put in the last paragraph. Although, I link from what I said in Maths about Douglas Adams... yeah, I'll go with that.

So long and thanks for all the fish,

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