Thursday, November 19, 2009

Official Duty

As in, I did Office Duty. OK, this play on words is not all that great. While things did happen in the day, the problem is that they didn't make for the best titles. I hate when that happens. Ah well. So, to my day, where I did more than just Office Duty (if I can make that clear).

When the bell went, I went on the computers, of course, and Kevin and I tried to go straight into Warcraft III. However, someone had to do Office Duty, and as I hadn't done it, I was chosen, along with Jackie. So, with a heavy heart (I mean, we could have played Warcraft III. I like that game, although I suck against the computer.), I got my bag, and made my way to the office, where I promptly read. When I'd finished the book I was reading (and of course, I'd taken my other book, the one I was going to read, out of my bag just this morning), I promptly got bored, and started thinking of things I could do to pass the time. After some pondering, I hit upon an idea: chess! But how to do it, I wondered. What I originally planned was drawing the pieces on a piece of paper, and then rubbing them out and drawing them somewhere else (I would, of course, use pencil.). I told this to Jackie (or rather, I suggested we play chess), who then had a better idea. He then left the office and came back with a chess set and board (presumably from the library), and we began to play. We played throughout Recess, with me winning a game, him winning a game, and me again pulling off a spectacular stalemate (I was almost dead, too. I'm surprised I could force a draw; he had two rooks left.). We also attempted to play checkers, with pawns being the regular pieces and the other pieces being the kings. We had little idea how to play, but we worked around that.

At Lunch, though, I actually met up with Kevin, and found out what he had been doing in the Library while Jackie and I had been running errands (answer: very little. It was apparently very boring.). We then watched the entire Abridged movie on my iPod (yes, the guy abridged the whole movie. It goes for over half an hour. And damn, it's funny.). I was surprised it didn't run out of charge, but there you go. After Lunch, Jackie and I went back, and tried to play some more checkers, but we were interrupted, and we went down to the hall to set up for some assembly thing for parents (I think Year 12s had something to do with it, but I'm not too sure.). I got a Mars Bar for doing it (mmm, chocolate...). Then, when the bell went, I made my way home, where Dad handed me his phone, after he bought an iPhone (he really likes technology. You should see our TV. Any wider and we would need to seriously reconfigure the lounge room. Seriously. Dad has a thing for big TVs.). So I was told to trial his phone for a week, and I was a little reluctant (I'm proud of my almost 6-year-old phone. Just for the fact that it is old.). And then I went to the movies.

I'm sorry, that may have come out of nowhere. But pretty much Shaylee invited me to watch 'New Moon,' and we brought along EJ and Lachlan, who both enjoy it (although, I'm guessing they only like it for the vampires. And the werewolves. I'm not going to explain what 'New Moon' is, because that's pretty sad if you don't know it.). Within an hour in, the phone broke, which was, as you can probably guess, a major detractor in the possibility of me deciding to use the phone (do I have to use long words like that? Well, I only do it to try to express what I'm saying in as little words as possible.). However, Shay got it to work, and we soon watched the movie. The movie itself was good, although it is not fun listening to half of the girls in the audience screaming for Edward, and the other half for Jacob. After the movie, I got dinner, thanks to Jo, and I went to blog.

This was what happened on this particular Thursday. I know this post is incredibly late, but, well, it's a self-perpetuating cycle of late posts, where one leads to another. Don't worry, though, I am working towards getting them back up on time. I am.

I did enjoy the movie,

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