Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Trip Up

This play on words inspired by the idiom 'trip up' (I think it's an idiom. I was never good at working out which was which, although hopefully this article will help.). It's a play on words, as we made a trip, and it was up north (actually, north is only considered up because that's where Europe and Western civilisation is. It really doesn't matter; it's an arbitrary thing. Just another thing you learn from Wikipedia. It's amazing what you can learn. Did you know Australians picked Wellington for New Zealand's capital? Neither did I! Anyway.). So, let's get to my day.

We were woken up at around 6:30, which you think I would be used to. But no, I was completely shocked, and I wasn't too cooperative, to say the least. But, we packed up, and we set off by about 7, with neither Uncle Nudge nor Darcie even stirring. We got breakfast at about 8:30, by which time I was rather hungry. I spent the time in the car mostly reading, and as I'd finished the book Shay lent me, I started reading a book that Dad had gotten me on Friday, which was a Bill Bryson book (so, it's gotta be good. And it was.). The long trip was finished by about 9:30, after doing... what exactly in Canberra? Reading, watching TV and being deprived of a decent net connection. Ah well, it wasn't really for me and EJ, it was for Mum and Dad. Anyway.

When we did get home, I promptly got out my laptop, and began to actually blog, and we both put on the TV (I mean, we weren't able to watch stuff besides your free-to-air channels at Canberra. Although I'm not really complaining; they had good stuff on. I'm just saying, we couldn't. Anyway.). I blogged for a while, although I didn't seem to get too far. These things happen, and they are quite annoying, I must say (hence the late posting that has been a severe problem for a while and that seems shall be a problem forevermore. Yes, I said 'forevermore.' Sounds like something out of an Edgar Allen Poe poem, 'The Raven' in particular, for those who don't know). I did this for a fair while, but evidently not as much as I would like. So here I am.

That was essentially what happened during my day (this sentence is getting a bit repetitive. I am fully aware. I am trying to differentiate a little.). I know, I am fully aware that this post was very late, and rather short. It makes for a rather subpar post (although, the title is good. Every cloud has a silver lining, I suppose.). I will really try to do a lot of posts on the one day, definitely by the time the 300th post rolls around. It will be severely annoying if it shows up and I have a backlog of something like four posts. Oy vey.

Damn, that's a short post,

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