Friday, June 19, 2009

Bludging But Working

That may be a bit of a paradox, and you'd be right. I'm out of titles. But what I mean is that I did a lot of bludging today, but it seems like I did a lot of work. Also, I apologise for the late post; things just seemed to keep getting in the way. Details may or may not be a bit lacking. I blame society.

Period 1 was Science, which was doing some actual work on waves. As in, work that actually involves thinking and isn't just rote calculator stuff or basic reading. Back to the daily grind. Period 2 was Geography. That was starting a new topic, as well as getting prepared for a quiz. It's apparently on where countries are in South-East Asia (doable), their capitals (very hard) and where Australia is on a world map (This is Kindergarten work). It was a bit of a weird two periods. Then it was Assembly. That was torture, as Mr Norris invited someone nobody knew for reasons nobody understood (including, I suspect, him). It was, presumably, supposed to be all about the selling of the school farm. The speech (if you can call it that) drifted in and out of lucidity, and it was told by the real life version of Grandpa from The Simpsons. He just went on and on about things in his day, and focused specifically on small, unnecessary details (example: 'It was grey. No, it was brown.'). Assembly, I think, went over time.

Recess was the usual. Period 3 was English, in which one of the Year 10 classes was split up because their teacher wasn't there. And they didn't have a sub. So we got about 6 people, including Shafi, who sat next to me. The period itself was just talking about 'Animal Farm.' Something about most books: read them, don't read into them. George Orwell's books are an exception. Unfortunately, the English staff find the wrong sort of books to get (i.e. bad ones). Anyway. Period 4 was Maths, which was doing a work on logarithms. Well, we were supposed to be doing textbook work, but it's never that simple in A1, where Year 11 work isn't a novelty, it's mandatory (not really, but I wouldn't be surprised).

Lunch was supposed to be doing a bit of work on our Drama assessment, but with Rutherford not here, it sort of just degenerated. I got out of it by pointing behind Ebony, shouting 'Wow, a yard sale!' and running. Hooray for escaping to 13! Period 5 was Drama, which was watching performances. Best one: Tansy's, which used a Blackadder quote, and Bella (should-be Cameron)'s character, who was this brilliant Italian godfather type thing. With the others, though, I felt slightly better about our performance, as nobody forgets their lines (or, at the very least, I don't. When my part consists of pointing a 'gun' at Rutherford and demanding money, shooting Ebony, and running out of one scene screaming, it's very hard to screw up.). Period 6 was Commerce, which was Charades. Obviously, Kearney had time, and a lesson, to kill. I got a chocolate out of the deal (Mmm, chocolate...).

When the bell went, I got home, and did some work. I didn't get to post, though, because our family all watched a movie called 'The Usual Suspects' (Wikipedia link and spoilers contained within). I think the movie was brilliant, and I recommend everybody watch it. There are only a few movies I would recommend everybody watch at least once, and 'The Usual Suspects' is now one of those. Watch it. But I didn't get to post. I will explain why this post is so incredibly late next post.

To comments now, 2 from Ebony. As usual.
*Ebony: June 18 is my unlucky date. And boo for English suckiness (not suckage. Suckiness.). Boo!
*Ebony: I'm lame? I'm lame!? I'm not lame! I'm VERY lame!

Well, that was my day. Expect a few late posts in the next few days; lots to do. I might post at the regular time, but we'll have to see.

I apologise for the really, REALLY, late post,


  1. Suckage. it is a verb. to suck, is suckage.

    But only one commenter, every day. What lameness. (not lamage)

    I blame society too.
    Do your drama journal!!
