Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Social '09

Yes, today was the social. All to be told of it after my day at school. And I know it's a very late post, it's because the social went until 10, and I didn't have time to finish it in the morning. These things happen.

I was dropped off at school by Dad, and I was the first at the table. It quickly became clear that a few people were not showing up, or at least were sick. Period 1 was Maths, which was just bludging around, as well as doing more Conway's Game of Life stuff. Next was Drama, which was doing work on our Drama assessment. I actually enjoy being the guy with barely any lines, if only for the reason that I can concentrate on the journal. That, and I get to shoot Ebony in the play. There is a whole mock-argument in our group where I blame Victor for her "death" because he wanted potatoes instead of pasta (the in-joke is hilarious if you know it, and bewildering if you don't.), and Victor blames me because, well, I am the armed psychopath. This whole paragraph could be taken incredibly out of context. Anyway.

Recess was the usual. Period 3 was Commerce, which was a very frustrating period. We have to do this in-class assignment, but I lost the sheet saying what topics our group is supposed to be doing. So I had to ask Kearney which ones we should do. It took half-a-bloody-hour before he came over, and that's only because I actually got up and went 'Sir, we really need you over here.' And then the bell went. Bloody Kearney. Period 4 was Science, which was just doing a class quiz. Lunch was also the usual.

Period 5 was English. In that, we listened to the end of 'Macbeth.' So we've now listened to the whole of the play. I want to finish the topic, because Hancock gave us all a copy of 'Animal Farm' to read a few days back. Now how awesome is that? First good book we've been given in English. Anyway. Period 6 was History, and me being my absent-minded self, I left my History book at home. So I spent the period talking, and doing some answers in a ripped-out sheet from one of my books. And while I was out of class, I was confronted by another group of kids. 'Hey, Geoffrey!' What? Me: 'Who's Geoffrey?' 'Aren't you Geoffrey Arka?' Now, either they're very, very confused or they're taking the piss out of me for some unfathomable reason somehow. No idea which. Once the bell went, and when I got home, I prepared for the social. I left at 5:45-ish.

I arrived around 6, in my brother's zombie-freak mask and a pillow up my back for a hunch. And not one person recognised me, until I showed them of course. Victor was there, and I went up to him. I had to take my mask off before he knew who I was. Ditto for a while. Around 45 minutes in, though, it started becoming increasingly obvious that I could neither talk nor hear very well in the mask, and the novelty of being in a rubber mask with nobody knowing who I was wore off pretty quickly. So I took the mask off, and sat on the pillow. I tried dancing (well, jumping), but that got boring very quickly. So I talked to Victor, Ebony when she wasn't there (which was rare) and Mango when he was there (which was rare). For the most part, I sat and talked to them on the back of the hall. And around 10, people started to file out of the hall, and the lights went on, though in which order I'm not sure. Probably a bit of both. I finally got to sleep around 10:30.

Well, that was my day. No comments, so this is it for the post. Wednesday's post will hopefully be on time; things may or may not be on time. We'll have to see.

Social = good,

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