Friday, September 25, 2009

Extra Extra! Exam!

You see? The 'Ex's are all there and the front of all the words! Extra as in newspaper... Ah, who am I kidding. It ain't the greatest of titles. Can't really think of anything, I'm afraid. Anyway. Yes, I had an exam today, which was about the thing that stands out of all that I did today. So, yeah. Let's have a look at my day, shall we, because this opening paragraph is getting hard to write.

Period 1 was Science, in which Bruce was back. So what we did was go through the textbook, as I think Robson is back on Monday and we will be going back onto motion. However, what actually happened was that the class studied for the exam that was next period (you know the Geography assignment? There were three parts of it. The first two made up the section of the assignment that I've been complaining about, the third we do in class. And now you know the rest of the story.). So after I'd gone through my work, I just read. I like to read, you know! Period 2 was Geography, in which we got the exam question, and did this exam. It was on, to memory, the advantages and disadvantages of aid and issues on social justice. I got about three and a half pages in 35 minutes. I wrote like crazy, and I think I did pretty well. Though we'll just have to see how I went; markers can be fickle (possibly conclusive example: English staff.). It was then Assembly, and I got a High Distinction for the Chemistry Comp. Norris also talked about Johnny, and he said that he turned himself in after Assembly on Friday (considering how everybody was pointing at him and calling his name, I reckon he would have been caught anyway, probably within a few days). And here's the thing: he got rewarded for it. Seriously, Norris just went on about how Johnny (he didn't mention names, though) set a good example for the school. It seemed like he came out well after locking the gate. Oy vey.

Recess was cards, as well as trying to dodge water balloons that the Year 12s were throwing for no particular reason, at least none that was clear to us. Period 3 was English, in which we went back to the computer rooms and had a more of a go at the mock-up of the School Certificate. However, I was slow and didn't get a computer, so I looked at Hewie's one, and also fleshed out some of the character traits and plot and such of the book I'm writing. It's slowly coming along. Very slowly. Next was Maths, where we had another sub. In that, I flicked through a sheet that we got, mentally answered some questions, then read. Hey, it is almost the end of term, after all. Lunch was the usual 13.

Period 5 was Drama, and I had brought in the DVD of 'Fawlty Towers,' ready to give it to Mr Kolodziej so the class could enjoy a good laugh. Or at least, that was the plan. Murphy's Law (Wikipedia knows, it always knows...) kicked in, and Kolodziej was away. Instead, we had a sub who couldn't open the door. When we did, the DVD player was locked inside a cupboard, and she didn't have the key. So we couldn't watch it. Bloody hell. Instead, I talked to Cam for a while, and later, Ebony joined in our conversation as well. Apparently we were having the most interesting talk in the classroom, and that's saying something. Period 6 was Commerce, in which we went up to the library to do some work on our Commerce assignment. However, considering I'd already done mine, I just mucked around on the computer for a period. It's a good way to end a Friday. And after I got home, I did some chores, and then played Battlefield Heroes for a while, getting my soldier to Level 5. But I didn't get to post, so here I am.

That was Friday, as it is and was. OK, trying to think of different ways to do this closing paragraph. Yeah. Anyway. We must rejoice, for this post is almost on time (comparative to the last many posts). So, rejoice. Tomorrow's post will be more than somewhat footy-centric (it's a word now), as it's the AFL Grand Final: St Kilda vs. Geelong. Personally, I'm going for the Cats.

An end to a tiring week,


  1. I am deeply saddened that I watched the last 2 mibntues of AFL. But my dad had the tv on, and shit happens.
    It actually was the most interesting conversation in the room. At least you were tlaking about something.
    It wasn't as exam, it was as assessment. Fail at title.
